Kettle mini pizzas


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Howdy folks! Thought we would give some pies a try tonight since it has been awhile! A little sauceless pizza was in order for the evening! Put together a few items, pepperoni, fresh basil, sweet onion, sweet pepper, kale, garlic, mushroom, provolone, and shredded 3 cheese! I am not a baker! I don't even try so we did easy dough!

Here was the setup! WSM ring and a full load of KB all around!

Pizza stone and some fire brick under

Here is the first set with cornmeal down, dough with some olive oil and Italian seasoning for about 5 minutes or so!

Cheese for the boy and another with everything!

Almost done!

Round 2!!!

Those just about done!

And served up with a barley pop!

These went about 20 a round! Temp stuck at 550! Very tasty but I went a little heavy on the fresh garlic so no vampires coming round this joint tonight! Next time I will sauté the garlic prior, add a few coals right under the brick and well... Needs sausage of course! Didn't really miss sauce at all!!!

Thanks for looking! Take care folks!
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Outstanding! When we make "white" pizzas, without red sauce, I like to infuse the olive oil. I garlic press a clove or three into a bowl with EVOO and microwave for 30 seconds. That takes the harsh edge off the garlic and flavors the oil.
Thanks much for the great replys! This was a super fun cook!

Jon that is a great idea! Thanks I may try that instead!
Great looking pies!

If I read right, your pies were on for 20 mins? If you prop your lid a little bit, and throw another brick or two under your stone to raise it up closer to the lid, you'll get your temps up, and decrease that cook time. I usually average ~8 mins per pie.
yeah, no such thing as too much gaaaaaalic! ;)
Excellent pizza-pies Morgan! What are the hours of your pizzeria??
Great looking pies!! If your Wife can stand to be in the same room with you, then you used the right amount.

