Keri's State Fair Biscuits (only 3rd place...)


Keri C

TVWBB Wizard
This is my all-time old faithful biscuit recipe. In the interest of wording how I actually mix and prepare them, I've borrowed the wording from a Cooks Illustrated recipe that was VERY similar to mine. My ingredients are a bit different from the CI version, but this is the recipe that I got the 3rd place ribbon with. Enjoy.


Makes 12

2 cups bread flour (plain will be okay, but the harder bread flour makes the layers more defined)
1 tablespoon baking powder, preferably Rumford
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
5 tablespoons chilled unsalted butter, cut into 1/4-inch cubes
3 tablespoons chilled lard, cut into 1/4" cubes
3/4 cup cold milk
2 tablespoons bacon grease, melted

After stirring in the milk, this dough should feel very soft and moist, but you should be able to hold it briefly between lightly floured hands without its sticking. If it turns out wet and sticky, return it to the bowl and sprinkle it with 2 to 4 tablespoons additional flour (of any kind) on all sides, gently patting in the flour with your palm. Let the dough rest another half-minute before removing it to your work surface. It is best to discard the dough that is left over from the second cutting, as biscuits made with thrice-recycled dough tend to be tough and flat. These biscuits are best served at once, though leftovers may be wrapped and refrigerated for a day, then reheated for a few minutes in a 350° oven.

1. Adjust rack to center position and heat oven to 450.°

2. Mix first 4 ingredients in a large bowl or the workbowl of a food processor fitted with steel blade. Add butter; with your fingertips, a pastry blender, 2 knives, or steel blade of a food processor, mix, cut, or process butter and shortening into dry ingredients, until the mixture resembles dry oatmeal. (Transfer food processor mixture to a large bowl.)

3. Stir in milk with a rubber spatula or fork until dry ingredients are just moistened. Let dough rest for 1 minute, then transfer it to a well-floured work surface. (I prefer a floured flour-sacking kitchen towel - kc.)

4. Roll the dough into a rough 6-by-10-inch rectangle. With the long edge of the dough facing you, fold in both short ends of the dough so that they meet in the center; then fold the dough in half by width, forming a package of dough four layers thick. Once again, roll the dough into a 6-by-10-inch rectangle 1/2-inch thick. (You're creating layers here - the more gently you work and the less you handle the dough, the better the biscuits will turn out. kc)

5. Using a lightly greased and floured 2 1/2 inch cutter, stamp, with one decisive punch per round, 4 rows of 3 dough rounds, cutting them close together to generate as few scraps as possible. Dip cutter into flour before each new cut. Push the scraps of dough together so that their edges join; firmly pinch the edges with fingertips to make a partial seal. Pat the dough into small rectangle, fold it as before, and re-roll 1/2-inch thick. Cut out 3 or 4 more biscuits.

6. Place dough rounds 1 1/2 inches apart on an ungreased baking sheet; brush dough tops with melted butter, bacon grease (my personal favorite) or milk. Raw biscuits may be covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated up to 3 hours.

7. Bake until biscuits are lightly browned, 10 to 12 minutes. Serve immediately.

Hope you enjoy my biscuits. Since we've been South Beaching, I haven't made them. Used to make them at least 3 times a week. We miss them... :(

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
"Ohhhh!!!! A woman after my own arteries! Lard, bacon grease (pork fat). I don't know what to say. Thank you, Keri," he said with tears in his eyes.

Those biscuits look incredible! I wish I saw them before I decided to try South Beach! (I'm easing myself into it...but I don't dare try these!)


They look absolutely scrunches. My in-laws are coming for a visit next weekend, I will surprise them with this recpie. Thanks much!
Let it be noted, that my first rating (VVVVV) of this recipe was based on presentation and visual appeal. Other judges are still out. ;)
A little while ago, while cleaning up the kitchen, I found a plastic container with a single leftover Hardee's biscuit, from almost two weeks ago (my wife has been out of town for two weeks, else it would never have been in the kitchen to start with). I almost ate it. I almost gave it to my dog. But in the end, I trashed it. Now I see this photo, and I know I did the right thing. My wife will be home Sunday. Keri, would it be too unromantic to greet her with a copy of your recipe in one hand, and some flowers in the other?

(Now that I think about it, I should greet her with a plate of those biscuits in one hand, and flowers in the other.)
thanks so much for sharing your wonderful recipe ... when I looked at the picture it reminded me of waking up the smell of fresh biscuits on a Sunday morning when I was growing up. Decided I should start doing that for my kids.

I used soya milk instead of milk and they turned out great. Thanks for the inspiration.
Glad I could help! All kids need to have that kind of memory.

Now... seein' as you're just a bit north of the Mason Dixon line, do you know how to make real southern cream gravy to go with those biscuits? How about chocolate gravy? My DH of almost 24 years (24 years come August 1st) thinks it's a great treat when he can have BOTH kinds of gravy at one sitting. :)
Do we need a gravy lesson on a new thread?

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time

These biscuits were excellent. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

Have you ever had any problems doubling or tripling this recipe?

DH?? Devoted Husband...similar to SWMBO? you know how to make real southern cream gravy to go with those biscuits? How about chocolate gravy?
Do we need a gravy lesson on a new thread?

What is this 'chocolate gravy'? 'Cream gravy'? Sounds interesting .... I know only of gravy made with flour in roast drippings skimmed of fat.

Perhaps a gravy lesson is in order if your offering ....
Here's the chocolate gravy that I promised - better late than never! This is one of the things that Robert's dear departed mama had made for him when he was younger, of which he had fond childhood memories. When Robert and I got married lo these 24+ years ago, I had to learn how to make chocolate gravy as part of our marriage contract ;) , along with burnt-sugar butterscotch pie. Now I'm the only one in the family (Robert's the youngest of a litter of six) who can make butterscotch pie like his mama did. Anyway, back to the chocolate gravy:

Keri's Chocolate Gravy

1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour, heaping
2 tablespoons cocoa powder, heaping
2 1/4 cups milk (approximately)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup butter

Combine sugar, flour, and cocoa powder in medium saucepan. Blend in milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened and bubbly (Like making pudding or cream pie filling). Should be just slightly thinner than pudding. Add just a little more milk if needed. Add butter and vanilla when gravy is thickened, and blend well. Serve over hot biscuits and enjoy the bliss. Can also be served over cake, ice cream, or even layered with graham crackers for an interesting dessert.

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time 9-1-2004
Keri, going home to LA once again this week....thought of showing them something a lil diff.....i like to make these..(or have my sister make them) what can i use instead of the lard........

any ideas? thanks let me know...i dont think i have ever had something like these.. the closest would prob be thomas english muffins...hehehe...thanks

