Kentucky Mule

Will have to try. Love both Moscow and Mexican versions but have not tried the Kentucky version....will do so!
Will have to try. Love both Moscow and Mexican versions but have not tried the Kentucky version....will do so!
The ginger beer is a premium brand, locally made in small batches and it gave the drink a savory bite.

It was good on a hot evening with steak, onions and peppers.
Not for me but, you certainly can! I deeply love a good mint julep!
I’ve never had one, but this Saturday we’re having a neighborhood Kentucky Derby party, so I’ll get my first one then. The party host told me the Mint Julep ingredients, and I told her “You had me at bourbon”. I’m bringing bourbon balls (first time making them.)
I’d better get out my silver julep cups and polish them!
Yes, good bourbon (I like wild turkey 101) simple syrup, mint and a ton of crushed ice!
So many people overlook WT101. Not sure why, maybe because it's cheap?
I have over 100 bottles of whiskey in my bunker, (that's no exaggeration), but find myself reaching for the WT101, a lot.
It never disappoints.
The reason I like the 101 is it holds up to the dilution of the crushed ice and syrup.
I grabbed a bottle of regular WT by mistake last week, it’s perfectly good stuff, I just prefer the higher proof most of the time.
The reason I like the 101 is it holds up to the dilution of the crushed ice and syrup.
I grabbed a bottle of regular WT by mistake last week, it’s perfectly good stuff, I just prefer the higher proof most of the time.
I don't care for the regular WT. It tastes thin.
If you want a solid whiskey that holds up well, I can suggest Wild Turkey Rare Breed. It dials in at ~ 116 proof. It can be had, around the Baltimore metro area, for less than $50.00 and it's stellar.
Another cheaper, and very good option, is Old Granddad 114. Me and my bourbon geek friends have all agreed that it's the best bargain in barrel proofers out there, bar none. For whatever reason, taters overlook it, because their dads and granddads drank it. That's okay by me, because it keeps the price down. It's a steal, for under $30.00. If you tried it in a blind tasting, you would think it's much more expensive.
Agreed, that’s why it will sit in the back of the cabinet for the time being, I’ve been enjoying bonded goods for a while the 100 proof bottles are pretty decent.
Ginger is a good combo with bourbon flavor - High West Rye and Ginger Ale is a really good combo ( I mix @ about 2/3 whisky, 1/3 gingerale, because I prefer active ingredients ;)

I think WT 101 is good stuff, but is really "hot" at over 100 proof. It's really good with lots of ice. Once the ice has melted a bit the WT mellows out, and then it's a bit easier to appreciate the unique flavors it brings.
To quote “Wil Anderson”:
”Shut up and, pour.”

2 points for the movie, extra 3 for who he said it to (Character and actor!)

