KC Strip and baked potatoes


R Dembkowski

TVWBB Member
Our local grocery store had USDA Choice KC Strip steaks on sale for $4.99 / lb. We could not pass that up. We kept things pretty simple. I seasoned the steaks with just salt and pepper. BBQ baked potatoes and broccoli with cheese to go with it. Hope you enjoy!

Cooked to medium for a couple and medium rare for the rest. Thanks for looking! Sorry for the blurry pics.
looks good to me. just a question my ocd is begging to be asked, why 5 steaks and 8 potatoes?
Bill, fed 4 adults and two kids (one steak cut in half). 8 potatoes because some like to have 2! Jim I wrapped them in foil to speed them up because it was getting late.
Great looking steak. I have a question I asked in Vince Ser's post: what's the difference in a KC strip and NY strip?
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