K-cups or Drip?



TVWBB Emerald Member
Any opinions out there on one having an advantage over the other?
I was curious as to taste and economical advantage.
K works for me because I can't drink a pot of coffee by myself. It is not cheap but I find a number of their blends to be outstanding.
I use a cuisinart which I can set the amount that I want. I was just wondering if there was a huge difference to choose one over the other.

I had never heard of the French press, looks interesting.
It's only me that drinks coffee. I have k cups and reusable filter. I use folgers in my reusable and if in hurry or want flavored, I use a k cup.
Drip because I have a cuisnart grinder that I use to grind fresh right before I make the pot. Also K-cups get expensive fast!! My k machine is up in the cabinet.
I start my mornings at home with a Technivorm which makes fantastic coffee, but is ridiculously expensive. At work, I've got a Bunn for the office and that also makes wonderful coffee. Weekends, I use the French Press, which I think outperforms all others. It's a bit more work with set up and cleaning and a real treat when we've got the time.
It's only me that drinks coffee. I have k cups and reusable filter. I use folgers in my reusable and if in hurry or want flavored, I use a k cup.

My house runs the same way! I don't drink coffee, so my wife uses the reusable k-cup filter with ground coffee beans to keep the costs of buying actual k-cups down. We still have our regular coffee maker, but it only comes out when we have company.

On the other hand I've got a friend who spent like $300 on a fancy "starbucks labeled" home brewer (of the non-k-cup variety) to reign in the Starbucks budget. Unfortunately they hate the coffee it makes and still have to make a daily Starbucks run!
I don't drink coffee myself but the wife loves our K cup machine. She will drink iced coffee from it in summer and hot coffee and chocolates in the winter.
Drip for me because I can drink a whole pot of coffee, minus the cup or sometimes two my Wife drinks.

....me too. French Press is a nice change but I had to pay a little more attention, & the taste at first was great, I stopped being able to tell which I preferred - drip or press.

I haven't made french press for a year at least I bet (now I'll have to make tea in it!!), but I'd set a timer for a few minutes for the water to boil, stop the heat to the water, wait ?2 minutes?, then pour it in, wait ?? 4 minutes??? been a while....

I bought this coffee maker w/ thermal carafe in December 2007, I'd highly recommend it. There's a few quirks but I like it.

This is the french press I got - no problems recommending it (no complaints).

I drink too much coffee for a K machine.... I buy the packs & drink them with my neighbor lady once in a while, but it's just not a practical thing for my situation, but I can see where it'd be good.

I also have a cheap steam powered espresso machine.....didn't sleep for 3 days after I got that one lol but it hardly gets used anymore.

