Just some Brats!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Oh man crazy day at work and dealing with incompetence made me think...easy dinner! Heck brats are easy!!

Started with some johnsonville beddar cheddar and some Guy Fieri apricot sesame and sausage for tonight!! Had to have some peppers and onion as well! Thought I had 1 more sweet onion but nope so dug and found some green onion! Not many pics!! Started slow over some apple wood!
Close up!
Another angle....

Pssst....got one for me?
Plated with the norm!
Have a bite!!!
And a good nite!!!

Take care.
Lookin' Quite Spectacular Morgan!
I've Had A Brat Or Two In My Days & I Lov'em Alot! Sometimes Two Ain't Enough
you seem to always have great looking vegetables. I'm beginning to think that Juneau thing is all a big hoax and you really live some where near the equator
Just did some brats for lunch. I used the reverse sear method. May have been the best brats I have ever made. Crunch on the outside. Juicy on the inside.
Thanks for the great response! Love my brats!!!

Jim....u said it! Two was not Enuf! I managed to scarf three! Was beginning to wonder what the kids were going to eat!!

Peter...ha ha... Actually these days we get quite good produce!! I grew up on canned veggies and it sucked!

John I would have to vote for the apricot!!! Very good.. Had a little ginger which was super!

Earl I did the very same! Just added some smoke and they were super..and have me a few beer moments as well!

Thanks again!

