Just one month ago it was -13 degrees and we had a foot of snow on the ground...


Robert McGee

TVWBB Gold Member
That's right, -13 degrees with a foot of snow:

One month later (today) and it was 76 degrees! I have had my brand new $50.00 Performer for a month and had never been able to use it because of the weather. Here it is assembled:

We checked the freezer and found a couple of rather small (but nice) New York Strip steaks. I built my usual two level fire (direct and indirect) behind a couple of fire bricks:

I slapped the steaks on the fire:

After three minutes on the flip:

I did not take any plated pics - we were too hungry by that point. My wife added a couple of baked potatoes along with a nice salad and we were "Good to go"...
The steaks would have benefitted from 2½ minutes a side as opposed to 3 minutes a side but were extremely tasty and nicely juicy. We used a light coating of EVOO and a generous coating of Montreal Steak Seasoning. These were the best steaks we have eaten in many a moon.

Thanks for watching and;

Keep on smokin'

P.S. Wednesday, the low will be 25 degrees and the highs will be in the forties for the next week. That's ok because we were given a glimpse of heaven today...rdm
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Great cook Dale and glad for you that the weather is breaking. I'm flying into Cleveland on Sunday and right now the forecast is a high of 29 with a low of 22.
James Lake;
Here's a welcome to Ohio and, yeah, the cool weather is back for a bit.

Thanks for the kind words, folks.

Keep on smokin',
Nice looking $50.00 Performer!! I'm going to straight up swipe the two fire brick divider idea. I use the baskets all the time, but was looking for a better way of heat control with the Cast Iron cooking I've been doing.
My son turned me on to the "brick method" some years ago. Before I got my WSM's, I did ribs, pulled pork, and Pepper Stout Beef with those bricks (as well as BBQ chicken, etc). It works well! My son may well have gotten the "bricks method" off this site...

Further, you can set the bricks on top of the food grate (on edge and separated) and set your pizza stone on top. This will lift up the pizza stone up into the lid and allow the bottom and top of the pizza to cook at the same time. It works really well, too. You can check out my pizza posts on this site for more information.

Keep on smokin,
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I'm with you on this one.....we had around 2-3 weeks ago -35, then a week later it hit 50... crazy to think almost a hundred degree swing.

I did break out the grill.....couldn't wait till the snow was gone... we are down to around a foot on the ground but the grill was calling my name.

Grill on all....Gosh I love to live for grilling, WSM, for the family and friends.

seasons on...


