Just a little brisket and pork butt cook


Stuart S

Well folks, I haven't really posted anything lately because I've really only been cooking the same stuff that I've posted many times in the photo gallery. On top of that I've been busy the last few weekends photographing a few weddings and trying to help my sister sell her house.

I decided this week, however that this weekend would be different. On Bob Samples previous advice I went out to a local meat wholesaler today and picked up a 13lb Packer and a 13lb boneless Pork Butt. I figured if I'm gonna do an overnight on the WSM I might as well make it a good one. It's also my 500th post so I wanted to do something I hadn't done before, which is the brisket.

No prep pics since I was busy extending the deck for the new gazebo that is the same 10x10 size we had before, but curiously doesn't fit on the deck because the poles are about 6 inches in diameter. I just got everything on the 18.5 WSM with my daughter at 12:30 so I snapped this pic as a placeholder for the whole cook.


I've got the BBQ Guru running on the pit and it's been holding steady at 225 for over an hour so I'm gonna do the unthinkable and go to bed. I'll update in the morning.
Wow, meant to update this cook through the day, but between my sons rugby game, building the rest of the god forsaken gazebo and having everyone over for dinner I didn't get a chance until now.

I woke up at 6 am to check temps and everything was holding steady in the stall with the cooker at 225. I love the reflection of the sunrise in this one:

I went back to bed until 8:30 after this pic

I finally cracked the cooker open at 5:00 after 15 hours to see how things were going. Meat at 195 and probe tender, time to come off to rest.

My son took some pics of the brisket being sliced that show how juicy it was, but he hasn't sent them to me yet. I'll upload them once I have them. I've eaten some good brisket in Texas and this one was outstanding

In the meantime, here's your plate, served with mashed potatoes and coleslaw on the PP:

This was by far the least stressful cook I've ever done. I set the BBQ Guru at 225, probed the brisket and the top grate and left it alone. Checked my temps every few hours and left the cooker alone otherwise. No remote thermometer, no foiling through the stall, just simple BBQ done at 225 for 15 hours and everything came out great. I guess I was super confident knowing that the only place air could enter was through the blower fan since I high heat taped all the other places air can get in last year...but all in all it worked out.

I hope all the fathers and grandfathers on TVWBB had as great a day as I did!!
Originally posted by Stuart S:
I haven't really posted anything lately because I've really only been cooking the same stuff that I've posted many times in the photo gallery.
Never stopped me...

Everything looks great.
Originally posted by Jason Smart:
Brisket looks great. Did you do fat cap up or down or did you rotate them?

Fat cap up and I literally didn't open the cooker for 15 hours, so I didn't flip the brisket or pork butt at all.
Originally posted by Mark H (Ottawa):
Hey Stuart, can I ask you where you got your brisket? I got a WSM a few weeks ago and have done a lot of pork....gotta try some beef ....Thanks

Lavergne Western Beef Inc
3971 Navan Rd, ORLEANS, ON K1C 1T1  

Best price on whole packer briskets and butts in Ottawa. Don't go on a Saturday afternoon though, the place is a zoo. Prolly best to call ahead and reserve one.
Oh man! Would cut of my <STRIKE>thumb</STRIKE> Pinky(left one) for a plate like that! AWESOME is the word!
Stuart I'm glad I didn't steer you wrong. Food looks fantastic. Best time to go to Lavergnes is weekdays, they are closed Sunday and Monday. I've only gone once when they didn't actually have any brisket but I don't live far from them so I never worried about calling ahead but you have quite a drive so it's probably advisable. Just curious if you've tried Christopher's in Richmond yet?
Originally posted by Wolgast:
Oh man! Would cut of my <STRIKE>thumb</STRIKE> Pinky(left one) for a plate like that! AWESOME is the word!

You bring the O.P. Anderson and I'll save you a plate!!

