Julia's porterhouses with sauce Madeira...


Jim S

I've been trying to cook things from JC's French cookbook with my own WSM twist for awhile. This one was a simple grill untill I started making the sauce. I wasn't about to spend 40 bucks an ounce for truffles, so I made a basic madeira sauce with shrooms then added some black truffle oil and some mushroom & truffle preparation. That part went way too fast... It didn't allow me time to take pics of Julia's Child's sauce untill it was on the steak. She suggested a French Bifteck so I went with Angus porterhouse. Not bragging, but this cook was not cheap by a longshot. Delicious as you might imagine, and I managed to get them a little under medium rare without burning the crap out of them. I made a side of grilled eggplant with pimientos and garlic. The Madeira sauce went on top of the steak. I'm thinking 40-50 bucks in a restaurant all day long.

from the meat case:

All cooked up using the WSM as a grill:

Plated up with the eggplant side & gravy:


Thanks for looking!
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Jim, that's a couple beautiful pieces of beef ya' got going on there. I think that was worth the money. Once in a while ya' gotta splurge. I'm lovin the Buffalo Trace too!
Jim, that's a couple beautiful pieces of beef ya' got going on there. I think that was worth the money. Once in a while ya' gotta splurge. I'm lovin the Buffalo Trace too!

Thanks for all the kind responses folks! I an indeed humbled. I owe much of what I post on these forums to all the fine cooks who have showed us the way. This part of the forum has turned into a pictorial ''how to'' rather than an ''I can cook better than you''. Somehow I think many wouldn't disagree that it's the best part of the whole site.

Tis true. I haven't cooked porterhouse of any kind since mebbe May of last year. Most of the time I'm cooking some kind of chuck cut, or something even less tender. And 7 times out of 10, a lot of it comes down to how hot of a fire you have underneath.

FYI campers, Buffalo Trace bourbon is my go to beverage for steak, and sometimes for pork depending on what rub I use. It's a mid priced bourbon with top shelf taste. I've used it as part of a marinade, sauce, and baste besides drinking it straight.
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