Jamie's Brats

Barb and I have done this one a couple of times and it is an excellent recipe for Brats. It's on page 110 in the book.
I'm hungry for some right now!
There is a place who makes pretty amazing sausages not far from me, maybe for dinner? I actually think I have everything else right on hand!
As you know, I have done my brats in this (http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?58731-Poached-Beer-Brats-on-the-Performer&highlight=brats+Performer) manner (and it is only wonderful;)). I received my copy of Jamie's book (thank you, Chris) from the forum drawing and also zero'd in on the "brat with stewed spicy peppers). Now, with your endorsement, I'll certainly try them. They look GREAT!

It'll be terrific to have two excellent recipes in my "do it NOW box". As you probably know, Cincinnati has been called "Porkopolis" (http://www.greatamericancountry.com/places/local-life/porkopolis-cincinnatis-pork-producing-past) as in the 1800's it was the largest pork producing city in the world. Sausages are big time around here, too.

Thanks, again, for sharing with us. I'll bet Milwaukee Stadium Sauce will work well with THIS recipe, too!:D

Keep on smokin',
I tried your way Robert & really liked it! I'll give Jamie's a shot soon-----all I have is jalapenos, so maybe I'll try a jalapeno / onion mix......... (have everything else on hand)

