It's time to break out one of the most important grilling tools I have.


Brian Thomas

My headlamp!!

With it now getting dark at 5:15, it's only going to get worse until we get to Winter Solstice. I can't wait for Winter Solstice because then you know that the days WILL be getting longer, and then in about 2 1/2 months I can put away the damm headlamp.

Though the one silver lining to this time of year is that if I want to brine something overnight, all I have to do is put in the proper container and place it out in the refrigerator that has UNLIMITED capacity.

My Deck!! 😄😄
I just made the switch to a head lamp. Should have done it a long time ago.

I've had a looong succession of clip on grill lights that were unreliable and short lived. Not surprising if you leave a battery powered light outside 24/7 in the elements (even if under a grill cover). After giving up on the grill lights, I would hold my recharge-able mag-lite sized flashlight in my mouth. Better but still not great.

Finally occurred to me that the better method would be to keep the light inside, dry and warm. Then take it outside only for brief stints of use. I bought a cheap head band (called Nite Ize) that holds the flashlight on the side of my head. Works great.
I like that Joe, I’m thinking snow blowing! It’s dark at 06:00 around here!
I don’t always have to blow that early anymore but days are getting shorter and at 18:40, it’s dark and I have needed to clear the driveway in the evening as the snow gets deeper!
It gets dark up here early too.
We still get a bit over 8 hours between sunrise and sunset now but I think we will get into the mid to high 7 hour range by solstice.
The actual reduction in light is quite a bit greater than just the rise and set times.

I installed new outdoor lighting this last couple years and really like them.
This old house still had lighting from the mid 1970’s.
Being able to see the barby makes life so much easier.
BBQing in the rain and snow is doable for us but I normally take the blackstone into the shop to cook for the heavy rain/snow season.
I installed an aimable tri-panel LED array with a motion detector in place of the back yard light, right after we bought this house. I've got pretty decent illumination over the grill, although there are times that an LED headlamp gets called out for duty.

A buddy of mine introduced me to the wide illumination LED headlamps over the summer. How'd I live without them......
We've got 3 sets of floods on the back of the house but I still use a clamp on grill light. Just can't get a good angle with any of the floods.

