Its here!

Yes Rich your right winter is here and we love it. Was up elk hunting this last week and thought i'd share these shots that the wife took.

Here is a cow elk herd about 150 yards from the truck. In all we saw maybe 60 or more cows & spikes. Alas no big bulls this year.

Here's a spike getting his run on. great shot my wife nailed this one.

Moving up into the timber.
So all you snow haters, send your snow to SW Colorado. We love the snow. That's why we live in Colorado.
And Rich, I expect for you to keep grilling & smoking all winter long like I do. It's too much fun to miss.

Great pictures Russ, you live in a beautiful area.
Now about that winter grilling and smoking, I'll do some but my tolerance with my meds for cold is about zero. I’ll do short cooks like steaks and burgers Etc. If I get to chilled and come into the warm house it might be hours before I stop shaking.
The good part is Barb wants to try some winter cooks (yes I’m doing my happy dance) I can assist her without getting too chilled, heck she’s a better cook then I am now so why not.
So to put it in perspective winter is not my friend.
Great pictures Russ, you live in a beautiful area.
Now about that winter grilling and smoking, I'll do some but my tolerance with my meds for cold is about zero. I’ll do short cooks like steaks and burgers Etc. If I get to chilled and come into the warm house it might be hours before I stop shaking.
The good part is Barb wants to try some winter cooks (yes I’m doing my happy dance) I can assist her without getting too chilled, heck she’s a better cook then I am now so why not.
So to put it in perspective winter is not my friend.

Sorry to hear about your problems with the cold weather & meds. I just didn't know. And I hope that Barb will do some cold weather smoking & grilling with your help. So that you can enjoy all that great BBQ this winter. Me & the wife think that you guys are some of the kindest people on this site.
So hang in there my Arizona friends. Its all guud. We love seeing your posts & keep up the guud work. Russ & deb
Sorry to hear about your problems with the cold weather

Me too. You might be interested in this zippo gas powered hand warmer - there's no way to turn it off so I just wrapped it in foil to suffocate it.

battery may be a better option...

I've only played with it in my living room (got it 10/2014) but it gets plenty warm....

Sorry to hear about your problems with the cold weather & meds. I just didn't know. And I hope that Barb will do some cold weather smoking & grilling with your help. So that you can enjoy all that great BBQ this winter. Me & the wife think that you guys are some of the kindest people on this site.
So hang in there my Arizona friends. Its all guud. We love seeing your posts & keep up the guud work. Russ & deb

Me too. You might be interested in this zippo gas powered hand warmer - there's no way to turn it off so I just wrapped it in foil to suffocate it.

battery may be a better option...

I've only played with it in my living room (got it 10/2014) but it gets plenty warm....

Thanks guys. I do have a hand warmer and it does help. If there isn't much wind, which is seldom here I can be outside and stay reasonably warm. I am going to try some heavier clothing to see if that will work. Been cooking inside for the last few days and I need to go fire up a grill, it's driving me crazy.
If there isn't much wind, which is seldom here I can be outside and stay reasonably warm.
During my working days outside as a land surveyor it went like this:
Summertime: it wouldn't be so bad out here if there was even a little breeze.
Wintertime: it wouldn't be so bad out here if it wasn't for the wind.
When I stared this tread Barb and I had talked about how fast winter got here. High sixties, low seventies then a week later low thirties to low forties and snow, been like that for a few weeks. Yesterday was in the seventies and beautiful, high sixties today, go figure.
Have a great weekend everyone.
To early for this stuff, 4 deg in Aurora this am with a wind chill of -8. We got about 6" of slushy heavy snow, our son up north by Gurnee got over a foot.
Next week it will be in the 50's, yea!

20° here this morning.
Yesterday the wind was blasting straight out of the north and it took down half a large twin oak onto our neighbor's house.


During my working days outside as a land surveyor it went like this:
Summertime: it wouldn't be so bad out here if there was even a little breeze.
Wintertime: it wouldn't be so bad out here if it wasn't for the wind.
Ha ha , I like that , Bob. we always had similar complaints at my job. In the summer , the protective equipment makes you swelter. In the winter , you can't put on enough stuff to keep you warm.
13 here and I don't like winter already. 9" of snow yesterday, and the old Toro finally packed it in. Have I mentioned that I don't like winter anymore.
I was fortunate I worked for the phone co. in California for 38 years, inside. A/C in the summer and warm heat in the winter, very nice.

