Is this Alfresco 30" Grill worth it for a flip?

I've been checking out some Alfresco grills among others that are similar. I primarily do restorations in Washington State but I'm starting to do a little bit in Arizona also. I started putting in some offers.

I think this old Jenn-Air in Arizona looks pretty cool but I definitely want to start on one of these commercial grills in Washington.


This Lynx is close to me in Washington and just put an offer in on it. I don't want to rush into anything. I already have tons of project grills on my plate.


I'm trying to be patient and just snag one for cheap that's not too far away.


This Viking beast is a bit bigger than what I was hoping to start with but I bet it would make a really nice restoration if I can get it for the right price. Still need to see the inside.

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I'd definitely try going after the Lynx. Pay attention to the Viking. Viking (like many others) has two lines of grills. One is made by someone else and styled to look like a "real" Viking. I.E. not 304, cheaper grates and internals, IIRC built in China as well. They're such close copies you really need to look at the information tag riveted to it. I nearly got "burned" on one myself.
The Jenn Aire ones don't really command much in resale. Early versions were nice looking and decently made though. Even using 304SS extensively.
I'd definitely try going after the Lynx. Pay attention to the Viking. Viking (like many others) has two lines of grills. One is made by someone else and styled to look like a "real" Viking. I.E. not 304, cheaper grates and internals, IIRC built in China as well. They're such close copies you really need to look at the information tag riveted to it. I nearly got "burned" on one myself.
The Jenn Aire ones don't really command much in resale. Early versions were nice looking and decently made though. Even using 304SS extensively.
I put an offer in on the Lynx and the Viking. I'll have to do my homework on the Viking. Thank you. Viking owner's wife came back and said she could probably do $100.
Here's one for you!

Alfresco 30” Stainless Steel Grill w/ extras - $2,750 (Ashburn)​

View attachment 103795
That one is expensive! I don't think I can make any money off of that one.
Here's one for $600 still more than I would want to spend out the gate before any repairs or replacement.

Yah, I think those built in grills are a long shot. First of all, they are usually NG, second, like NG grills, built ins are just not real common. Then lastly, the grill has to fit the built in area the a potential buyer is looking to fill.
You have some good candidates there. Stick to the high rollers Lynx, Alfresco, Viking, and I would not pay more than about $300 for a flipper. Also if it is natural gas make sure there is a factory conversion kit and factor that into the price. Some nice looking grills there.
Also the "life time" warranty's on these are pretty much BS without the original receipt, even with it the company's will make it almost impossible to use. After market parts are your friend. Measure and be creative. Try to have the original parts for measurements.
Yah, I think those built in grills are a long shot. First of all, they are usually NG, second, like NG grills, built ins are just not real common. Then lastly, the grill has to fit the built in area the a potential buyer is looking to fill.
I agree I would skip on a built-in. That one above that I posted that looks like a built-in it just has Stone built around the cart though.
Also the "life time" warranty's on these are pretty much BS without the original receipt, even with it the company's will make it almost impossible to use. After market parts are your friend. Measure and be creative. Try to have the original parts for measurements.
I appreciate it the advice. I don't want to rush into anything. And just like everything else I'm not looking for a good deal I'm looking for a mind-blowing bargain. I just have to be patient. I think I'll pass on that Viking. It's just so big. I want to build something or rebuild something that I would be happy to keep if it doesn't sell for the price that I want.
The owner of the Viking grill I posted above was angry that I offered $100 but said fine just come and get it. I replied: could I please see a pic of under the lid so I can see what I'm getting into. They replied: REALLY if you are only pay 100 you get whatever you get!
HAHA. I understand both sides. Many sellers think their old cast off grills are worth more than they really are. But since he was going to sell it to you for $100, he obviously is learning: "It is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it". And just because he made a bad investment doesn't mean someone else needs to bail him out.

That being said, have you dropped your pursuit of that grill?
HAHA. I understand both sides. Many sellers think their old cast off grills are worth more than they really are. But since he was going to sell it to you for $100, he obviously is learning: "It is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it". And just because he made a bad investment doesn't mean someone else needs to bail him out.

That being said, have you dropped your pursuit of that grill?
Without a picture of the inside I'm done. Could be completely gutted inside for all I know. I just need to make sure it at least has SS grates. I never get offended when people low ball me. I understand different things are worth different amounts to different people.
I agree. I have thrown out some insane low ball offers before and every so often I get pleasantly surprised. I usually do that only after the item has been listed a while though.

