Is this a continuous valve? Genesis II NG to LP

Paulie, I used the same Mensi orifices linked above in my Genesis S-330 (older front control) and Genesis II. I think it's worth a shot. Easy to return it they don't fit.
Bare in mind. When orifices are reamed professionally they use a special type of precision ream not a twist drill. If you're using a twist drill use one size smaller than called for. It will be just about "on the nose"
Let me try to add something positive to this great thread. When hand drilling an orifice for a gas BBQ, people have been talking about not having a steady hand and over drilling the desired hole. One way to minimize this is to back up 5 sizes and drill it multiple times. This way the last drilling is only 1 size different. For example start at 64 then go to 62 then go to 60 and then go to 59. The chances of screwing up 60 to 59 are a lot less than a 70 with a pilot hole to 59. Also keep in mind that the burner tubes BTU's in some cases aren't always accurate and so the ultimate guide to dialing in your orifice is the desirable blue flame. Which brings us back to what Larry said about starting higher and trying the orifice in the burner. It takes. longer but thats the right job. Combining these techniques and as long as you have a variable valve, you should be able to produce a desirable result. Cheers
Hi Paulie, I just saw your post, a little late. I couldn't tell you if the orifice on my Genesis II fits yours's, I'm not sure how I even figured out mine:).

I can say that my orifice drilling experience was mixed. You are on the right track with your drilling methodology. Lmichaels said I should start my drill holes smaller from variations in twist drilling, so I went 3 sizes smaller. That wasn't enough, I was getting to 500 degrees in 4 minutes. Backed off another 3 sizes and that seemed better. I had better control, but still a little hot. My Amazon twist drill kit was subpar and probably my technique, so YMMV. I didn't want to invest in a really good drill bit as they are pricey. Didn't make sense unless I was going into the orifice drilling business. This was stop gap measure as I was eventually going to obtain a new manifold one way or another.

Good luck and I hope you meet your goals on this!

