Is my Genesis 1000 resigned to the dustheap of history?

Hey whatever Jay. Whatever you may think I was NOT making an attempt to be "mean" to you. Interpret things however you want. Wish you the best

You should know that it's LMicheal's official job to warn about the dangers of removing screws from the firebox. I too received such a warning in my early days after I had removed mine. By the grace of George Stephen Sr. my grill survived. I only hope you're as lucky.

(If you were to ask me, I'd say the burner tube retaining screws themselves are not terribly important. The tubes seem to rest in place pretty securely on their own, although for safety's sake, you should find some way to secure them so they don't get bumped off, causing the burner assembly to leak from any of its joints. Depending on how your drilling left the holes, perhaps you can find a new stainless nut and bolt to hold them down.)
Hey whatever Jay. Whatever you may think I was NOT making an attempt to be "mean" to you. Interpret things however you want. Wish you the best

LM, don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes you do come across rather brusquely. Took me a bit to figure out that you didn't mean it and probably don't realize it. :cool:
ROFLMAO It's all good. BTW FWIW I wasn't referring to his drilling out the screws but to the metal repair primarily. Of which I am in the same boat. I have passed on so many welders because as much as I could use one I don't have a clue how to weld. Never could get the hang of it. When (a lifetime ago) I was an Automotive tech, I tried learning (again) either with torch or stick weld and all I did was set stuff on fire or burn through everything. I was a great mechanic who needed one of the other guys in the shop to weld for me.
After considerable thought I’ve decided to keep using the Jumbo Joe that I bought as a “temporary” measure. It seems to fit most of my grilling needs and buy a Pit Barrel Cooker for smoking. The Redhead will be sold for parts. $50, if I can get it, otherwise, I’ll just scrap it. If anyone near Toledo, OH is interested, let me know. I’m going to order the PBC soon and I’ll need to free up some room in my garage.
After considerable thought I’ve decided to keep using the Jumbo Joe that I bought as a “temporary” measure. It seems to fit most of my grilling needs and buy a Pit Barrel Cooker for smoking. The Redhead will be sold for parts. $50, if I can get it, otherwise, I’ll just scrap it. If anyone near Toledo, OH is interested, let me know. I’m going to order the PBC soon and I’ll need to free up some room in my garage.

Well, I'm near Toledo, but I gotta' tell you $50 is optimistic. I recently bought two for $40 each and they both stood on their own (literally). If you really want to get some money out of it, parting it out is the best way to go. $20 here, $10 there, etc.

HOWEVER, if the frame is the only thing stopping you, (and those two little bolts which, by the way, are very fixable), then I say hit craigslist. You will be utterly amazed at what's out there for south of $100, and to my mind, that grill is worth a hundred dollar investment all day long.!-No-more-filthy-dirty-G1K

Scroll to post 7 to see the freshly painted frame.

So far I've invested $80 for two grills and I have two complete sets of SS grates and burners and one set of flavorizer bars. Heck, you can't buy the burners and grates for $40, let alone the rest of the grill.

If you decide that you A) don't want to fix it, and B) can't stand the sight of a rotting, red, enameled corpse in the middle of your garage, and C) are willing to put forth some effort, you could probably do ok selling parts. Think of it as being an organ donor. You'd know that out there, somewhere, in the great grill of life, your G1K has made a family very happy.

They may even invite you over for dinner...(<ellipses for dramatic effect)
The 2 burner silver is substantially smaller than the 3 burner Genesis. However it is a VERY useable little grill. They do an outstanding job. But parts are not interchangeable

I'm a bit late to this thread. I, too, have a Genesis 1000, aka "Testarossa." I've replaced the burner assemblies, flavorizer bars, grates, burner tubes, each at different times over the years (since 1997). I noted that the cart is starting to show signs of age, e.g. rust at the joints where the horizontals meet the verticals. The grill still does what it's designed to do. The only problem I've encountered, and I only noticed it this year, is that the front burner tube goes out on a regular basis while the other burner tubes are still showing a flame, and this happens routinely when the burners are on low. Otherwise, nothing wrong.

As to Weber's customer service, I contacted them a few weeks ago to inquire about the Genesis 1000, specifically, asking for how long Weber would continue to support that model, the idea being that at some point Weber would no longer have parts available. I was told that Weber is not planning to "discontinue" offering parts for that model, and that the only part that Weber doesn't supply is the cart.

I am also in the market for a new grill, and I'm focusing on the E-310. As for searing, I've always done it over direct high heat, which I can get without a sear station. As to the side burner, I've heard from others who have grills with that feature that the novelty wears off very quickly, and since we're air conditioned, my sous chef, aka The Boss, generally handles the side dishes on the stove.

But here's the question I'd like to ask -- instead of comparing the E-310 to the E-330, how about comparing the E-310 to the Genesis 1000? On my grill the burners are front-to-back, and the dials are on the side. It does what it's designed to do. For me, the upgrade is a "want" and not a "need." I've branched out into charcoal grilling/smoking; so, it seems that by default the Genesis 1000 has many more years of service left in it.

Just my two cents.
I have a 1000 LX that I bough new, when we moved into our new home it had a NG gas bib on the patio. I did get a new NG manifold for the 1000, but at about the same time a mint E320 came up on Craig's list so I snagged it for a $100. It's the older model with E/W burners, which I prefer. My thoughts are the E320 is a little taller and a little bigger which is nice. and they both cook about the same the E320 takes a little longer to heat up but that could be because it's NG.
Oh and yes I still have my 1999 LX1000 and will forever. It's now used for roti work only (semi retired).
As to Weber's customer service, I contacted them a few weeks ago to inquire about the Genesis 1000, specifically, asking for how long Weber would continue to support that model, the idea being that at some point Weber would no longer have parts available. I was told that Weber is not planning to "discontinue" offering parts for that model, and that the only part that Weber doesn't supply is the cart.

That is incorrect. I tried to get a new firebox, it is no longer available. I would tend to believe there are a few other things that are no longer made as well. If you look at their parts website, one of the warming grates, can't recall which, is unavailable. As much as I like Weber's CS, they seem to be inconsistent.

