Is it ever TOO HOT TO BBQ?


R L Bagwell

Folks, don't know how hot it is in YOUR part of the world, but here in balmy Chesapeake, Virginia, the temp on my screened-in, covered-in-shade-with-mighty-oaks porch has now hit 103.7...just put a marinated London Broil (Yeah, I know - NOT a cut of meat, but a style of cookin' it - but it IS marketed that way, sooooo...)on my OTG - It's SO freaking hot here - how hot IS IT? - I just stuffed some lit coals down my shorts to cool off!

STILL....looking forward to taking that thing off the grill....Jim Beam 'n ginger are sure helping wipe that sweat off the old brow!



Not much of a problem, I'm afraid. 50 degrees fahrenheit during this afternoon.
Originally posted by Dave Russell:
never too hot to bbq! It's too hot to grill, though.
You gotta ask yourself:
Is it too hot to eet?
H3LLSB3LLS, I'll smoke, grill, EET in any temp!
15BelowZero with wind-chill minus 50 or +115'F in the shade, ain't nothin' gonna stop me from eetin' if i'm hungry!
It doesent really bother me that much.

I've been working outside for most of my career.
Coming home and firing up the grill or smoker was always my time to relax, and stay out of the kitchen..

[/QUOTE]You gotta ask yourself:
Is it too hot to eet?
H3LLSB3LLS, I'll smoke, grill, EET in any temp!
15BelowZero with wind-chill minus 50 or +115'F in the shade, ain't nothin' gonna stop me from eetin' if i'm hungry!

EZ for you to say from the great North Woods, little mister....for those of us sufferin' from heat as though we were living in downtown Baghdad, one's perspective changes somewhat

And speaking of Baghdad, GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS - there, and everywhere else!
I've got one wireless thermometer that's on my deck which sits in the shade, but it's on a deck rail post.

Just checked it - 118*F (and I'm starting the WSM charcoal as I type this). Welcome to Georgia in July...
Jim Lampe, you say it's never too hot to grill?

Well, it's so hot outside that if I attempted roadside chicken tonight, every other basting would be my sweat a drippin'!

No, thank you, sir! It's still over 96 outside in the shade!

Man, this "Loaded bbq potato casserole" is good.
Originally posted by Dave Russell:
Jim Lampe, you say it's never too hot to grill?
Well, it's so hot outside that if I attempted roadside chicken tonight, every other basting would be my sweat a drippin'!
No, thank you, sir! It's still over 96 outside in the shade!
Man, this "Loaded bbq potato casserole" is good.
Suck it up Dave and enjoy this weather BEFORE the cold snap comes and wrinkles that little guy that tries to keep everyone happy

And, "GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS - there, and everywhere else!" AMEN!
Originally posted by R L Bagwell:
Folks, don't know how hot it is in YOUR part of the world, but here in balmy Chesapeake, Virginia, the temp on my screened-in, covered-in-shade-with-mighty-oaks porch has now hit 103.7...just put a marinated London Broil (Yeah, I know - NOT a cut of meat, but a style of cookin' it - but it IS marketed that way, sooooo...)on my OTG - It's SO freaking hot here - how hot IS IT? - I just stuffed some lit coals down my shorts to cool off!

STILL....looking forward to taking that thing off the grill....Jim Beam 'n ginger are sure helping wipe that sweat off the old brow!




That's just a typical South Louisiana summer here. Just need a good fan and a cold beer to make it bearable.
Originally posted by Jim Lampe:
Suck it up Dave and enjoy this weather BEFORE the cold snap comes and wrinkles that little guy that tries to keep everyone happy

I'll gladly be the butt of a joke for the sake of a laugh around here!
but man, this cool watermelon is awesome and I wish you were here. I'd get you to go do the grillin'and I'd get you another beer.

I'll gladly be the butt of a joke for the sake of a laugh around here!
but man, this cool watermelon is awesome and I wish you were here. I'd get you to go do the grillin'and I'd get you another beer.

Dave, that melon'll be a sight better for ya if you inject it beforehand....with sum Smeernoff's!!!!


Never too hot to cook outside. To eat outside is a whole different story. It was 99* in the shade here in Charlotte today. And I've got a shade cloth over my pergola and a ceiling fan underneath!
OohYeahPHIL Perrin in Charlotte gots that BSN outdoor kitchen/cookin'/AWESOME/relaxation Center AND he is LOVIN' IT!
Good For You Phil, Wish We ALL Were With You Now!

Imagine if every person on this site brought over a 12 pack of their choice HOW LONG WOULD THE PARTY LAST?
12 beers?
Never gets to hot to grill/ Q. Just gets very uncomfortable to sit with it out side! I hate the summers down here!

The heat index is so friggin bad from May-Sept. It don't stop me though!
Originally posted by R L Bagwell:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">
Man, this "Loaded bbq potato casserole" is good.

Dave, even the title of that recipe sounds good - and speaking of recipes, if it ain't posted somewhere, care to share?


Rooster </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

My wife got the recipe out of a Southern Living magazine, but the same recipe is at It's pretty easy, and pretty good, as casseroles go.

