Injecting Brisket


David Games

TVWBB Member
When I first got my WSM 3 or 4 years ago I had great results with Pork Butt using the Chris Lilly injection (Salt, sugar, apple juice, worcestershire, water) recipe from this site. A month or two later I tried my first brisket and not really knowing any better, used the Chris Lilly injection and got what I thought was great results.

Subsequently, I read in various places including here that you aren't really supposed to inject brisket with something like this and that you either shouldn't inject or should just use beef broth. Over subsequent smokes, I tried these and never was that happy with the results.

I am now back to using the lilly injection on brisket and I really like it better. The think is, I never get any sense of sweetness in the brisket using this. Instead, the salt comes through to give it a sense of being properly seasoned and it has somewhat of a savory character. In contrast, when I have just used broth or didn't inject, it seems like it needs some seasoning.

I am curious, have others played around with different injections for brisket?
I do the same as you did before: Chris Lilly injection for pork butts, beef broth for brisket.

I'd be willing to try the Lilly injection with a brisket. Might leave the sugar out just in case.
I do the same as you did before: Chris Lilly injection for pork butts, beef broth for brisket.

I'd be willing to try the Lilly injection with a brisket. Might leave the sugar out just in case.

I haven't tried Lilly's without sugar. I don't know how that would turn out. I do know they turn out surprising good with the normal Lilly's injection recipe.

I did one yesterday with Lilly's including the sugar. Obviously the apple juice has sugar as well. I have tasted it yesterday and today multiple times trying to see if I taste sweetness and I simply do not. I taste salt and smoke and beef, but I cannot detect sugar. I don't know where the sugar goes, or if it gets masked by the salt but it doesn't leave it sweet. You might ask, why include the sugar if you can't taste it. I don't know and I would be intrigued to try one with sugar and one without some time to see if I can tell the difference and which is better.

I do know that I prefer lilly's injected vs just broth injected.
Heck if you like it why change what your doing? If you want to try a beef broth injection give this a shot. Take two cans of beef broth and boil down to 1 cans worth of beef broth...used to be able to get double beef broth from Campbell soup this is essentially the same thing. This what I do and like it. Then again though if your happy with what your doing and like the flavor you get keep it up
I'd be willing to try the Lilly injection with a brisket. Might leave the sugar out just in case.

I would be interested to hear your feedback on how this turns out. I don't know if adding the salt is what makes me like Lilly's better than broth, or if there is something magical in the balance of things with the Lilly's injection. I have also wondered if broth + salt + worcestershire would be good.
Heck if you like it why change what your doing?

That is kind of what I have done as I have used lilly's on the last couple of briskets I have done and have been happy with the results.

However, the inquisitive part of me wonders if others have done some experimenting and what they have observed. As well, there is a sense of wanting to share with others what I have found to be successful even if it is contrary to convention.
Another option might be... Defatted & filtered brisket drippings + Worcestershire sauce + some salt
I infer that you use just beef broth without seasoning. I use Myron Mixon's beef injection recipe from his first book. It contains a little seasoning that makes it taste really beefy. It tasted pretty good from comments from my family. I do use Chris Lily's recipe for pork, also. I just don't like the vinegar in some injections.
Another option might be... Defatted & filtered brisket drippings + Worcestershire sauce + some salt

Bob I totally agree.
But last time I did something different ..... (I don't know if I can't write about it :eek:): I mixed refined drippings with...... the Killer Hog BBQ red Sauce.
D E L I C I O U S.
Enrico... That will work !!! :)
There's a reason (some) competitors call brisket drippings "Liquid Gold"...
Cliff, If you reuse the drippings, since you are familiar with Kosmos, you may want to also add some phosphate for water retention.
Also, the dripping can be overly salty.

