Impromptu butt smoke


Matt Gard

TVWBB All-Star
Well on the way home at 9pm tonight I decided to stop by the store and buy a butt to throw on tonight. Had no plans to do so until I saw the glow of the sign for the store and it drew me in.

Here it is fresh out of the wrap


And firing up the WSM by lantern light.
pulled pork on your "finest paper china" = excellent meal. NO.5 is good stuff.

This reminds me of the time back in '82 when in the Army I went to VA and ordered a PP sammich. The lady asked if I wanted slaw. Being a good Texan, I said "Sure"! I never dreamed she meant on the sammich - I thought she ment as a side. LOL When she brought me that plate she saw the look on my face and asked what's wrong. LOL As a 19 yr old kid I'd never seen slaw on a PP sammich before that day. :cool:
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