Imagine my surprise


Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member
As we're having lunch, this was happening out my back door

The Great White North ! Yes, that's snow (well, snowy hail).
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Yep, looks like you've got freaky weather just like us here in AZ. Two days ago high was 51 yesterday high was 91 today 55 and super windy. Been the weirdest spring we've ever had here.
A week ago it was in the mid 80's and I turned the air on ( just to make sure everything worked ) :)This weekend it's been in the mid 30's at night, and I didn't turn the heat on cause I know that works..Dammit.:mad:

I guess this all started down in Mexico a month or two ago with the Monarch butterflies. Warmest we've got this spring is around 72. That's it.
here in the central calif valley we have had some crazy weather also. temps jumping all over the place. we also had a thunderstorm pass by to the north and it dropped hail just like you are showing. nuts.

