Im a proud father!!!

Tony- you are a GREAT dad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sooooo wish my dad was more like You when I was that age.......

Tony, you fixin' to retire? First, you get Mirabel to cook, and now Anthony...:) The mini WMS is lookin pretty good, the meal looks great, and the family time, priceless!
Tony, he will remember for the rest of his life, especially when he starts to teach his son too.
My dad taught me on an original kettle when i was 7 way back in 1958. Giving him the mini
is a great idea.
Ok ok...I see the master plan here...teach the wife to grill! Teach the kids to gril!! Woah dude your going to be out of a job pretty quick!!

Great cooking Anthony!! Great looking little birds!
Tony, you fixin' to retire? First, you get Mirabel to cook, and now Anthony...:) The mini WMS is lookin pretty good, the meal looks great, and the family time, priceless!

I'm working on my ultimate plan...:)
If I get too busy socializing with family and friends my kids or wife would take over and it should be seamless..
Ok ok...I see the master plan here...teach the wife to grill! Teach the kids to gril!! Woah dude your going to be out of a job pretty quick!!

Great cooking Anthony!! Great looking little birds!

My plan is in motion Morgan... Maybe in a few years we can do competition bbq as a family. 4 meats and there's 4 of us... It works perfectly..or they can be my back up if I enjoy to many adult drinks.:)
Thank you for all your kind words my son has read the comments and he is excited and happy with your nice comments.
Awesome! Brings back memories of cooking with my old man when I was young. I am sure that he will never forget the time he spent with you making this wonderful meal. Happy early Father's day!

