This grill appears to be in great shape but where are the lower frame pieces that join the legs together at the bottom from side to side???
I have never really tried Ebay with local pickup option. I just figured your potential customers were pretty sparse that way. Offerup and Let It Go are both virtually non-existent around my area.
Edd, in the last part of the post you quoted, I stated that they are both virtually "Non-existent" in my area. I am pretty rural. The only real population concentration near me is Madison, WI and that is 50 miles away.
Bruce, it doesn't really matter where your grills listed appear when YOU look for them.
It matters where others see them. I have worn out my scroll button before and never
found some of my things, but when I ask someone else to look for me, they normally find
them relatively easily. Have your wife or neighbor look. Also, simply check your listing
in your selling folder occasionally and see how many people have viewed your item. If
the number viewing does not increase each day, then you have a legitimate problem.