Brian O'Neal
TVWBB All-Star
Phil it looks like there is a cover on there, that is nice,
first i've seen this thread... w0w.
no, the pigvilion is not epic, it's just one year old...
sorry hoffman, i ain't doin' anything else to a 'vilion, 'cept perhaps a ceiling fan for next summer.
I'll give this to O'neal, looks good!
Mike Hawkins is a good friend of mine and although brian used his idea, it's quite different. Nice, butt different.
The only thing i see the "pig" has over "Azul", i can cook under cover in the 'Vilion in almost any type of weather.
Nope, no 'lectricity yet,... i'm using an extension cord to power a LED light rope for the evening hours... my brother-in-law is an electrician too, and we've talked about it butt have not gone further.Does your 'Vilion already have electricity? Or is that something you'll have to add?
I saw the light Mike Hawkins made in his garage. I was then inspired, and a guy at work suggested that I make lights over Mesa Azul using Smokey Joe lids for the covers. So I started to think how I could do it. So here is my project. Mesa Azul is fully lighted and ready for nighttime cooking. Here are a few pictures of Mesa Azul and it's new lighting system.
By zavod44 at 2012-05-27
By zavod44 at 2012-05-27
By zavod44 at 2012-05-27
By zavod44 at 2012-05-27
By zavod44 at 2012-05-27
By zavod44 at 2012-05-27
As you can see Mesa Azul is ready for summer. AJ and Troy really helped me to get this all together. I don't know if it is up there with the pigvilion, but I'm pretty happy with it.