I was inspired by the lights


Brian O'Neal

TVWBB All-Star
I saw the light Mike Hawkins made in his garage. I was then inspired, and a guy at work suggested that I make lights over Mesa Azul using Smokey Joe lids for the covers. So I started to think how I could do it. So here is my project. Mesa Azul is fully lighted and ready for nighttime cooking. Here are a few pictures of Mesa Azul and it's new lighting system.


By zavod44 at 2012-05-27


By zavod44 at 2012-05-27


By zavod44 at 2012-05-27


By zavod44 at 2012-05-27


By zavod44 at 2012-05-27


By zavod44 at 2012-05-27

As you can see Mesa Azul is ready for summer. AJ and Troy really helped me to get this all together. I don't know if it is up there with the pigvilion, but I'm pretty happy with it.

Thanks to you buddy! I still need to do a few things, and I want to do a family portrait with a few of my others, but thats pretty much the grills I cook with on a regular basis. Maybe I need a few of those chairs you were talking about Troy,

Awesome grill garden Brian! But, I just hafta ask..........How did AJ aid in helping with the project?
I read another post the other day about what to do with EXTRA lids because some one on CL was selling only lids!! Well there we go! Looks great!
I actually bought one of those lids for this project. The thing about using the smokey Joe lids is that there are plenty of them around for cheap on CL. One of the lids I used was used quite a bit so the inside is all crusty,I thought it lent a little personality :-)

AJ actually sent me a grill for this project. I needed a blue bowl and he came through in the clutch. Much thanks to him
Thats totally awesome! Mesa Azul. You sure you're not form Cali?
Glad I could help contribute to the project.
I see you have the WSM out as well.
I bet a lid form one of those would make a great light too.

When you say, "Inspired by the light" are you referring to that time those little blue guys paid you a visit?
Brian, I think you may have topped even Jim's Pigvillion* here!! I am so stealing the SJ lid idea.

*(Maybe if we all say this is better than Jim's Pigvillion it will push him to new heights.
No no no...it's not a competition, the pigvilion is epic. Not sure anyone could top the pigvilion. I just have a small addition to my deck so my grills are out of everyone's way.

Please steal the light idea, I really did think about using the WSM lid but it is heavier and I would have had to put more engineering into that. This was simple. If you need any more pictures of what I did I would be glad to send them.

Now I even have an idea for the smokey joe bottoms I have lying around now! I'll post when I get them done......

I had a blue lid from a kettle, and I bought another one from Weber. When I realized I could convert everything to blue I figured I would just buy the lid and be done with the whole thing. Initially I was just going to do the blue grills in Mesa Azul itself, but yours was for a performer, and then AJ said he had a bowl for a platinum. So Then the wheels started turning, I then knew I could convet everything to blue. Not the 26" of course, Jeff has the only one in existance and I'm sure he's not giving it up, although after seeing this I really think he should send it over here to complete this look so they are all blue. COme on Jeff you know it's the right thing to do. I have one more regular blue kettle I might just set that up there with the others so there is just a bunch of blue grills together,

I had contemplated painting the lids blue, its not like they will get any heat. Then they would be blue too.


Oh and AJ no extra-terestrial activity here, sorry
I am sure Jim will come up with something all on his own to wow us, again.

I will post my lights someday when I get them done.

The bottoms make nice flower pots, or so I've heard. ;)

Originally posted by Brian O'Neal:
No no no...it's not a competition, the pigvilion is epic. Not sure anyone could top the pigvilion. I just have a small addition to my deck so my grills are out of everyone's way.

Please steal the light idea, I really did think about using the WSM lid but it is heavier and I would have had to put more engineering into that. This was simple. If you need any more pictures of what I did I would be glad to send them.

Now I even have an idea for the smokey joe bottoms I have lying around now! I'll post when I get them done......


