I need some help wih thermometers


Tim Rahto

TVWBB Member
I over-cooked my brisket AGAIN this last weekend, and have decided I really need to get an electronic thermometer. The only question now is which one? I'd like one that gives me the grate temperature on my WSM as well as the internal temperature of the meat. Accuracy is important to me, but so is durability as well. I've had bad experiences with thermometers like this in the past, and I'd like one that can hold up to the prolonged heat of a smoker. Can anyone recommend something like what I'm looking for? Amazon has lots of choices, all with mixed reviews.

Tim for what it's worth, I use a Maverick 732. One thing I did after I got it however, was to order the probes with the longer leads. I'm sure others will have some more suggestions. One note, if you decide to go through Amazon, please use the link provided on this site, Chris gets credit that way. Good Luck!
Thanks for the reminder about the Amazon portal. I will definitely go that route when its time to make the purchase. FWIW, you're the second person to recommend the Maverick 732.
Tim, I also use the Maverick. It has worked fine for a couple years. The probes do break however.
As far as overcooking a brisket, my feeling as well as many others here, is that it is done when you probe it and the probe goes in like butter. At that point take it off the smoker, vent for about 10 minutes, then wrap and hold for at least an hour. Venting is pretty important to stop the cooking process. I never cook brisket to an internal temp, just till it is done. Same with butts.

Hope that helps.

As far as a meat therm, I would pick an instant read of high quality, obviously one that you can afford. There are many and then there is the best.Thermoworks Thermapen
Yup, the Thermapen is definitely on my wish list, Mark. I saw a guy doing a steak cook demo with one at the Sam's Club Barbeque Tour this last weekend. Pretty incredible device.
I use nothing but Thermoworks. I use their remotes for meat monitoring and the Thermopen for spot checking. I torture them pretty good and they have always worked perfectly.

I have nothing against Maverick, I just prefer Thermoworks (plus when you order from them, they put a little bag of Jelly Bellies in the box).

Whether it is Maverick or Thermoworks (or any other), DO NOT immerse the probes in water. They are NOT water proof and it will wreck them. I had somebody 'help' me once cleaning up after a comp and I just about blew a gasket when I saw my probes soaking in the sink. You guessed it. Four probes, wrecked. That was expensive.

I have been using my Maverick 732 for several months. I have done Boston Butt and a Picnic and can monitor the temp of the food as well as REAL grill temperature remotely. That's kind of like being "let out of jail". It's a tremendous aid to perfect pulled pork.

I second Thermoworks. They are not wireless, but inexpensive and durable. I have 2 thermos and 2 probes with each. Extra or replacement probes are only $9/each. As Russ said, do not submerge in water!

Russ, I have had the same thing happen. I now throw an empty grocery bag in my probe box and after a cook just wrap them up to clean, myself, later.
I've been happy so far with my Maverick 732. I must admit though as I become more experienced I pay less attention to my grill temp. I'm happy with a dome thermometer that is accurate for that purpose but love to see what happening with the internal temp of the meat.
Maverick for the grate, thermopen for spot testing the food. A nice combo that works for me for those times that I don't want to connect the Stoker. Usually that's for Ribs or a HH brisky.
Are you sure it was overcooked and not undercooked? I don''t want to sway anyone from getting fun gadgets, but do you know what temperature it was when it came off the grill?
I love my thermapen. Not only is it a great thermometer, it is a very nice probe for testing for doness. It's a great tool to learn about temp and the feel of meat being done. As was said above, probe your brisket and when it feels like butter, it's done. With the temp reading at the same time, you can tell really well what's going on on the inside of your meat.
I neglected to mention (in my post above) that I also have a Thermapen and use it in conjunction with my Maverick 732. Compared to the great chefs on this forum I am just an amateur and good temperature control "keeps me in the game"...

When a Butt is approaching done, I can probe several places to make sure that things are as they should be. It is a great confidence builder.

I neglected to mention (in my post above) that I also have a Thermapen and use it in conjunction with my Maverick 732. Compared to the great chefs on this forum I am just an amateur and good temperature control "keeps me in the game"...

When a Butt is approaching done, I can probe several places to make sure that things are as they should be. It is a great confidence builder.


Good point. Sunday I smoked a butt and the 732 said 190. A few pokes with the Thermapen said "let's go a little longer".

