Brian Quintal
TVWBB Member
I'm a little late posting this but I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to be on this board much. BUT my wife surprised me at Christmas with a weekend at Myron Mixon's cooking school at his house in Georgia. It's called Jack's Old South BBQ Cooking School name after his dad. My understanding is Myron build a pavillion in his back yard equiped with full kitchen and smokers and holds the class there. I'm phsyced, going down there from Boston in March. Intoductory dinner with him and the class on Friday night then smoke all day Saturday and eat what we smoked all day on Saturday night . Then smoke most of the day on Sunday. I can't wait to pick his brain and be part of this experience. What a great gift from the little woman, of course she benifits from all this learning I'll get, so she's no dummy either lol..................
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