I got by with a little help....


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
As Tony UK would say, I put on my "Big Boy Pants" and dove headlong into doing a brisket! Started at 4:00 with dinner timed for about 6:30 and the brisket was smack on time! So, thanks to Tony, Rich Dahl, and Dustin Dorsey for all their unbridled support. It's been a very long day but the brisket turned out very nicely indeed.
I don't photobucket or any of that but, if anyone wants to see how the thousands of miles of intercontinental communications worked, PM me with an address and I'm happy to share.
It's not quite hour by hour but, it's more "blow by blow".
Again, thanks everyone for the support!
Ya did good Tim! You didn't panic and that's what it takes... patience. It's done when its done.
I'm glad Dustin jumped in to help, he has the experience to really give some good advice and of course Tony who has been around a few low and slow cooks to know the in and outs of doing it right.
You set the bar on this one, I'll have to see if I can reach it on smoke day when I stuff the freezer monster packer on to my 18.5.
This was 14 plus and using the handles of the grate as "bumpers" it stayed put until shrinkage drew it down quite well sized, I don't think I could get a bigger one on without using a shoehorn!
I don't know about setting any bars but, it made every one happy last night and a mighty nice sandwich for today's lunch!
I might try your,"High altitude chicken" next.
Damn, I just had lunch and I'm getting hungry again!

