I apologize...... Just had to share


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I apologize for not having a weber involved in this cook. Maribel made birria and it was her best ever. Here's how it went last night.

Start with 2.5 pounds of chuck steak


Here are the ingredients. All in our Dutch oven over medium heat. 5 bay leaves, 1/2 onion,1 tsp of oregano,1tsp of cumin ,1tsp of ground cloves,


Then the sauce for the birria is made. 4 cloves,5 ancho chiles ,1/4 onion. Quick boil of the anchos then blen together.


Then add to the birria and strain


Watching Maribel cook made me thirsty here's my drink


After an hour and 20 min the meat was tender enough to shred.


Then add back to the Dutch oven and let be happy for 30 min on low.

Watched American smoke again for entertainment.


Maribel made her Mexican coleslaw


Mixed together and added salt and pepper


Our standard rice


Maribel chopping some cilantro


She like my weber apron


More refreshments


Here it is plated and ready to eat


Thanks for looking
Tony and Maribel
Tony, no need to apologize for a meal like that, that’s just outstanding! For all the great meals your Weber has produced it deserves a night off. Thanks for sharing those great pictures.
Tony and Maribel excellent looking meal. I also like your taste in beer. Just had one at 11:35am after Snowblowing a foot of snow off of drive...another 6"-10" expected by Monday then the Lake Effect kicks in..never know how much that will bring. Maybe another foot with -35 to -40 temps expected until Tuesday....drinking Texas Tea now. Trying to numb myself for the torture coming up :) great cook friends
Tony/Maribel, EXCEPTIONAL as always. I was going to make it my New Year's resolution to become as good of a cook as the two of you but after hearing numerous people advising that New Years resolutions should actually be attainable I decided to wait at least few years on that.
I love birria. Will have to try maribels recipe some time! Looks really tasty, your beer pics made me thirsty!
Great indoor cook. I really have never seen either the beef or the slaw till you posted. I love my education on this forum.
Never fails T&M cookin up a storm. Looks fantastic! I am drinking a home brew Belgian Wit very similar to the Shock Top you have there.
I am wondering why the apology? If I had an indoor cook that looked as great as that, I'd be sharing as well! Love it!

Great job!

Delicious looking cook as always Tony and Maribel! Thanks for posting the recipe; this is one I'm going to do very soon.
I am wondering why the apology? If I had an indoor cook that looked as great as that, I'd be sharing as well! Love it!

Great job!


Most of us prefer to cook outside on our webers or other cookers we own.
It's expected if we post it's an outdoor cook. :)
It's just my disclaimer in case someone disagrees with my post....
I would be a whale if I lived in that house haha. What's Mexican coleslaw? I see there are more items than normal slaw, but is the dressing different?

