Howdy, from DFW TX!


J A Petty

New member
Hey there! I've been grilling for close to 30 years and always looked at smoking as voodoo or something. I just hit 40 this month and decided I should start practicing this voodoo as well, I mean, why not!

I did some research and just purchased a WSM 22.5 and am putting it together today and hopefully smoking a couple of butts and some fatties tomorrow to break it in. I got some pork belly today to cure and smoke for bacon and even got some pig jowl to do something with! I don't tend to ease into things, I jump in whole hog!! Mm, pig

I've been reading a lot on the site and just joined today. I look forward to making all sorts of great BBQ and am sure everyone here will be of great help along the way. Just thought I'd say hello, so hello! Or howdy y'all, as we'd say down here in Texas.
Welcome aboard J A!
Sounds like you, like most of us, have caught a bad case of the que.
Congrats on your WSM!

Fresh jowl, cured and smoked, makes some fine bacon too.

Welcome to the forum and the addiction J A. This is a great place to learn and share. If you haven't already done so check out some of Chris' articles under cooking topics on the home page. Glad to have you.

