The point of having a little finely 'ground' is that it will help hold it all together better when mixed.
Put it in a 13 x 9 baking dish lined with 1 sheet of wax paper. Add another sheet on top and press down with a small cutting board to compact.I know this is an old thread but I found some spice kits for imitation bacon aka turkey bacon or other meats. Their instructions were to buy whole muscle and grind it up using the middle size plate then the smallest plate you have. Mix in the ingredients from their kit and add the ground up meat to a loaf pan. Bake it in an oven to 170° internal temps. Then remove and let it cool and use a meat slicer and slice it thin like store bought bacon. Then probably take each slice and lay it flat and make several slices out of it.
Myself I am buying ground turkey from Sam’s and they sell 5 pounds for around $16. The spice kit and recipe is from Walton’s inc. they sell supplies for making things out of meat and machinery and whatever you need except the meats