How many slabs of ribs on your WSM



New member
Hi All,

Just doing a poll to see how many racks of baby backs will fit on the WSM? I've done 3 (rolled) per grate before, but I've never used racks. I would assume I could fit more with racks?

Kevin Taylor had done 11 full slabs. (Scroll down)
Where's he been anyway??

I have done 12 on mine many times using racks. Definately a tight fit. I haven't done it stoggie's way. With the magnum too much isn't really much problem anymore. Wsm sits lonely in the corner.

With that much meat I recomend only filling water pan half way. You can always add more if temps start getting away. I find it hard to get over 225 after 4 or even 5 hours into the cook. Seems most of those big cooks were in a season when the weather is a factor too. Like I said before you can always add more if needed. That meat is a heat sink too.
I've done nine using racks and it was just like doing three. No problems at all. More would be tight, but as has been shown, it's possible.
Well I feel kind of silly after seeing the 18, but I have fit 6, 3 laying flat bone down on the top rack and rolled three on the bottom.
i just did 8 racks yesterday... fit VERY easily... coulda gone for 9-10 without much problem... i was using 2 of the weber racks and stood them up around the full weber racks...
I did four slabs on my top grate yesterday using a rib rack, and assume I could have done the same amount on the bottom grate. Fit pretty easily so I imagine I could probably could have positioned another slab on.
Using Weber Rib Racks you can get at least 4 full racks on each cooking grate. You may have to curl the ends of the slabs to allow the lid to close properly. There is still room to "skewer" a slab or two besides that.
I frequestly do 9 and could fit more fairly easily. Here is how
*Buy cheapie rib racks from HD
*Buy a 2nd lower cooking grate
*find 8 empty beer cans (you may have to empty them yourself
*load all 3 rib racks with 1/2 slabs of ribs
*position the lowest grate as normal
*put 4 beer cans on the lowest grate along with the one full rib rack full of food (the beer cans are the shelf for your next cooking grate)
*Load the second grate with another fully loaded rib rack full of ribs and 4 more beer cans
*Lastly put the top cooking rack on top of the cans and load it accordingly, if you did it correctly the top rack will be about 3-4 inches higher than the main body of the WSM but the lit will still go on.

Works simple and easy, a WSM with 3 cooking grates.
Thanks for all the responses!! I might just have to try the beer can trick....I know I can drink 8 during a I might as well drink 8 before? Wife probably woundn't appreciate that.

Originally posted by SteveK:
Thanks for all the responses!! I might just have to try the beer can trick....I know I can drink 8 during a I might as well drink 8 before? Wife probably woundn't appreciate that.


Its best to have others help with the can emptying process or to just save them from another time. It is crude but a really effective means to get one more cooking grate in the WSM. Have fun
I wish I had seen this when it was first posted because I had the same question going into July 4th. I ended up smoking 6 large racks of Smithfield loin back ribs using two rib racks as well as a 5 pound brisket flat. It fit just fine and all came out great! It looked like there was room for 2 more full racks of ribs.

