how long can you marinate?


Becky M-M

My ribs have been in their marinade since this morning at about 3 am. It is raining today and i have no covered areas to set up my grill. can they go for another day in the saran wrap with the rub on them. i surely do not want to mess up all that meat.

but i dont think i can cook in this weather. it has stopped raining for a few, but will more than likely start up again in a few minutes.
guess it depends on what is in it? acids like vinegar or 'uncooked' wine will tend to make the exterior mushy if left for days.

After all, that is what marinating is doing: besides the flavour, it's softening the meat.

Pineapple juice does the same thing: it tenderizes because it's an acid.

An extra day probably won't matter.

Having said that, get out your table umbrella (bigger than a hand-held one), have someone hold it over you (or put it in the stand without the table) and let them enjoy the fine weather as much as the cook.

AND you can always just take it out of the marinade, rinse it off (with water), put it in a bag in the fridge overnight.
<STRIKE>Cowboy</STRIKE> Cowgirl up Becky and get them thar ribs a goin'

Just kidding, they should be fine for another day since they were just rubbed (right?) not actually in a liquid marinade.
yup just rubbed.... sugar, salt, spice mixture.

believe me if i had even a small option to have been out there i would have done it..... but i have no table umbrella....and no place to shield from the rain.

tomorrow i will get out there.... cold dont bother me, rain i dont like so much lol
You should be fine till tomorrow butt in the future I would leave the salt out of the rub if you are leaving it on for awhile, actually leave the salt out of the rub altogether. I don't pre-rub my ribs. Just before they go on I'll put a bit of salt let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes and then add my salt free rub and throw them on the cooker.
yeah i threw something together, and it actually smells really good. But then i read so that it is best to leave the salt out of the rub and add it separately. all a learning process!
Your ribs are likely to be a little hammy tasting. Not really a bad thing but they will be different. I use to let my ribs sit in the fridge with rub on them overnight and then some. It won't hurt them, but you'll notice a difference. In the end, it's all good. I haven't made a mistake yet on my WSM that I couldn't eat. Some things went into other things (like a brisket that went into soup) but they were all edible.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jerry N.:
Your ribs are likely to be a little hammy tasting. Not really a bad thing but they will be different. I use to let my ribs sit in the fridge with rub on them overnight and then some. It won't hurt them, but you'll notice a difference. In the end, it's all good. I haven't made a mistake yet on my WSM that I couldn't eat. Some things went into other things (like a brisket that went into soup) but they were all edible. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

ugh.... dont like the sound of that. we still have a bit of our Christmas ham left after we had more leftovers tonight. but as you.... nothing wasted. even if they taste different im sure we will eat them.

