Hot Grill•Chuck Eyes•'Sparagus•Let's EET!

I got to be honest, that steak loooks awsome. Did you cook that on a 26"? That grill looks big. I haven't had steak on the grill in a very long time, I just might have to follow your lead,

Very nice, as always, Jim! Did a couple CE's myself last night, along with Bob C's Magic Steak Dip.
Great looking meal Jim! I felt the urge to cook something new exiting and what not this weekend. But i have to work. I will trade 2x12h shifts againsT the week off(next week). Hopfully i can spam this forum during that week. Have a great weekend Jim/Liz!
Jim, those chuckeyes look outstanding!

Looks like you cook them to about Medium. Do you find that's enough to keep them from being too chewy?
nice comments, all of them! ThankYou

Sean, i don't know how to cook a steak, or anything for that matter, to medium...
these chucks were rare/med rare. Almost perfect.
Fantastic down and <STRIKE>dirty</STRIKE> purty cook Jim!

Blast 'em and eat 'em, best fast food ever!

Everyone here is headed for the fridge/freezer to look for some Beef!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob Correll:
Fantastic down and <STRIKE>dirty</STRIKE> purty cook Jim!

Blast 'em and eat 'em, best fast food ever!

Everyone here is headed for the fridge/freezer to look for some Beef! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


