Home Depot clearance on Kingsford Hickory charcoal $2.83

My local HD had a total of 6 bags, I bought 4.
Original price was $10.99 or so.
I'd call first, unless a trip there is already in the works.
I tried a bag several years ago, and it burned just fine, no real smoke flavor as I recall.
15.7 lb. bags, so we're talking 18 cents a pound.
Maybe they're making room for the new pro stuff. :)

I was in Home Depot and snagged 14 in my area. I was gonna post it as well and found you already did.

you no like HD Rich?? :confused:

The Dumpo is fine, my go to home improvement store. When I retired and moved here I got bored and went to work part time in the tool department at Sears. That was the nickname we had for our competitor Home Depot.

