I wanted to briefly chime in with my success story. I had two hunks of brisket provided to me for smoking by a friend. My friend scored 40 lbs of brisket on mark down, took each packer and cut them roughly in half, then froze them. What I got was a 4 lb tip and a 5 lb flat. Oh and I suggested next time that he NOT cut the packers up.
We were planning on a Sunday afternoon feast so I was fretting over what time to start a smoke (midnight or a little later perhaps) when another friend who had tried both the midnight cook and this high heat method encouraged me to go high heat. I"M GLAD HE DID. It exceeded my expectations. Several of my guests proclaimed that it was the best brisket they had ever had

Since I had two pieces I decided to vary the rubs a little. For the tip I used "Jims all night rub" as listed in the original recipe except that I put the sugar back in the rub. For the flat I used coffee and cardamom paste rub found here:
I used large hunks of apple wood and I chose to put the meat on as soon as I added the hot coals (meaning that I did not wait for the grill temp to come up before starting). Maintaining the target temp of 325-350 was challenging as it was a very windy day. Often the lid temp would read at 300 so I kept fiddling with the side door. Then in one very brief period the temp shot up to 400. That really scared me since I had sugar in both rubs and didn't want that to burn. Eventually I found a somewhat tenuous truce on the temp by holding the door open about an 1" and sitting on my hands when the temp was on the low side, just trying to be patient and let it come up on it's own.
When it came time to foil wrap it, there was a rain storm approaching so I decided to finish in the oven. At least then I could tightly control the temp and I would no longer even care about the weather.
As I said, it was really good. As far as the two rubs, there wasn't a whole lot of difference between them. Next time I'll only use Jims as it was a little easier to use (the coffee paste didn't want to stay on where as the dry rub stuck wherever I put it).
I want to add a shout out of my appreciation to those who make this site so great. Whether it's the simple step by step recipes (instructions) or the many many contributors to the forums who share their experiences and knowledge. This site is an example of the good stuff.