Help me out with thoughts on the Performer series, I think I've narrowed it down...


I won't lie to you, if I lived in Indiana and could pick this up, I think my hat would be in the ring. LOL

I hope someone gets a great deal on that, as real estate agents say...location, location, location...

DISCLAIMER: while I think it is bad protocol to post auction links on a public forum, this is entirely dependent on location. That said, if you see that diamond in the rough Ranch Kettle in NorCal, let me know privately so I can snag it cheap! LOL
Pal, my wife would have a dandy Christmas, I’d be buried with a bunch of charcoal ash before the thanksgiving turkey fat had congealed!
If I was still working, I would certainly place a bid. Now I will see just where “Greenwood” is...
Looks like about eight hours round trip from here. If I was working, I’d spend a day going to get it but, I’m not, damnit!
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Pal, my wife would have a dandy Christmas, I’d be buried with a bunch of charcoal ash before the thanksgiving turkey fat had congealed!
If I was still working, I would certainly place a bid. Now I will see just where “Greenwood” is...
Looks like about eight hours round trip from here. If I was working, I’d spend a day going to get it but, I’m not, damnit!

I'm not working either, but I would still buy a Ranch Kettle at the right price. Still, won't be a complete steal, no telling how much it will go for. I suspect $450-$500.

I don't know where Greenwood, IN is, but someone could be doing the snoopy dance outta there...

I have to show you this ad though, I think it's one of my favorite ads looking for a 'que...

"It turns out I'm not very interested in smoking meats..."

Anyone that says that needs to have their man card taken away...or worse...sell it for about $100...looks new! I believe him!
Yep, “not interested...”
Oh well, someone will be happy to get that!
Greenwood is south of Dayton, someone down that way will indeed be doing a happy dance!
The performer is what got me back into charcoal. With the gas assist it's basically as easy as a gasser to use. With the work table and charcoal bin which I use to store my smoking woods it's perfect.
If you can swing it I would go with the bigger performer with the gas assist you won't regret it.

Ditto here. I am so glad I bought the Performer with the gas assist. It is definitely the way to go.

As both Rich and Pat said about the gas assist, you won't regret it, and it is definitely the way to go.

No space problems here......;) All SS Performers were found on Craigslist, you just have to be patient and keep looking.

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I saw that blue one, and sent an email on Thrusday afternoon to try and meet with him. No reply, and it looks like the lid is dented with possible rust. That guy obviously didn't appreciate and take care of his Weber.

Damn, that red one looks kinda looks like it has the ash pot on it.

I don't get up to the north side of the bay very often, and was headed up to Lake County, but am still empty handed in regard to kettles. Maybe the new one on the Amazon link is waiting for me, we'll see as I keep my eyes open.

There's was a nice blue one in San Bruno, but don't see it anymore and the seller wanted $200 firm...

I would have jumped on ChrisA's 26.75" Kettle, I'm a few months late...:(
Meh, quite a few of us here and at WKC paid much less for ours. I spent right at $600 for my two ($350 for the first and $250 for the second) and have seen a fair number who paid even less. It's kind of like $40 (or less) Performers.
Meh, quite a few of us here and at WKC paid much less for ours. I spent right at $600 for my two ($350 for the first and $250 for the second) and have seen a fair number who paid even less. It's kind of like $40 (or less) Performers.


I haven't given up, and keep looking...not in any rush to be honest...I keep thinking I can upgrade my kettle, add some brackets, get the newer GBS, a new one-way vent, and even build a cart for it...maybe I'll do that, I don't know...but I keep watching for a Performer in my area. I think that would do me fine, and if I get an older one without GBS, I can use the grill on my Kettle and upgrade it to the GBS, and keep my old Kettle living...(I know my wife will love that! NOT). If this was for my wife, I would have bought her a Summit Charcoal long ago...but I don't cook every day, more like a few times a month.

If I find a Performer cheap, it might satisfy me for a while), but honestly...anything short of the Summit Charcoal will only be playing second fiddle for me I suspect...:rolleyes: Funny thing is my wife was already ok with me getting one and had a spot picked out for it, clearing two of the dead 'ques out of the yard...but while my wife understands cooking, finance is not one of her strong suites and this is not the time for me to do that..:o

That is my other option, just keep using what I have until I feel comfortable getting a Summit Charcoal. Only one thing I wish was different on the Summit Charcoal. I wish you could adjust the coals, so when you do want to sear you can move the coals up close to the searing grate. The one touch on the Summit feels much nicer, is way more smooth, and the grill is a much different grill than the 22.5", although the accessories are the same, the physical grill is not the same. I think the grill looks stainless. The heat defuser 'thang is stainless also...and the lid is stainless inside, it's beautiful. I've never been too fond of ceramics, have never owned one although they are nice...but price has always kept me away...the Summit Charcoal seems worth it to me though, especially for anyone that does 'que a decent amount, the convenience and quality alone make it worth the price.:summitcharcoal:

The Summit Charcoal is definitely a nicer kettle.
I haven't given up, and keep looking...

The search is over...found a Performer on craigslist in very nice condition, in traditional Henry Ford black. Has the gas lighter and charcoal storage bin, but no GBS.

I can get the GBS or just get the Craycourt, which is probably a better option.

As a bonus it came with a cover. Seller was asking $99 obo, I offered $75, but he said someone was coming to look at it at 2:00pm. They were a no show, but I figured it was gone, got a call about 5:30pm that the guy didn't show and I could have it for $90 if I wanted it.

Needless to say, it's mine now.

I got to use my Performer for the first time a few days ago.

What a disappointment to really compare a 30 year old kettle to a Performer that is a couple years old. The kettle that is a couple years old seems to have been taken care of well, the seller even cleaned the inside before selling it to me. It is obvious that the Weber products are just not made like they were 30 years ago...:(

There are typical dents with some rusting already on the 2 year old kettle I bought, but my 30 year kettle, not fact, the rim of the lid is in better condition on my 30 year old kettle than the 2 year old used one I purchased.

This is how the rim on the lid looks on the newer Weber:


Here's a pic of the exterior, but trust me there are no dents on the rim of the lid. Some rusting around the handle connections, but less than the newer one...Please not that the vent itself is still very solid after 30 years of the old kettle, the new one although nicer with a handle so you don't burn yourself, it very flimsy and my guess is that it will not last 30 years. I don't think the paint will hold up for 30 years either if this is how a kettle looks after a couple years.

Wait, let me retract that statement, as the kettles on display at the local OSH has dents and rust spots also, those are supposed to be new kettles. :(


Here's a closeup of the vent holes on the lid, you can see the poor craftsmanship in how the holes were punched through. There's a lip around the outer diameter of the holes, so they must not have used a very sharp punch for those holes. The rivet is starting to loosen already after only a couple years, and the vent is so much more flimsy that it doesn't compare to the old one that is 30 years old.


Here's the 30 year old vent holes in the lid, and check that rivet out, it is still very solid, like the day it was assembled. Please ignore the carbon buildup, I do use my 'ques.


This is my one touch on the 30 year old kettle, the wings are basically disintegrating and have burned off the center. And for your viewing pleasure, old school indirect heat separators.:D


The newer one doesn't look too bad when I take a overview pic, but it's in no way the same quality of a Weber kettle that was manufactured 30 years ago.

The $64,000 question for me will be if I end up investing in a Summit Charcoal. If I do buy one I will scrutinize the build quality before deciding, so will need to look it over with a magnifying glass before plunking down $2,000 for a kettle.

DISCLAIMER: I have no ties to Weber, I am not endorsed by Weber, I have never received anything from Weber for free. I have purchased all of the weber products I have out or my own pocket, so these are unbiased opinions and views. This is all information being passed along for you to see for yourself from a loyal (so far) Weber customer. Will I continue to patronize Weber? I honestly don't know. This weber will last a number of years, maybe not 30 but I might not even make it for another 30 years myself. The kettles being produced today are quite honestly not the same as they were 30 years ago...that saddens me...:(
Show me anything in production that is really the same as it was 30 years ago though, it sad but it’s progress.
Oh, maybe a Zippo lighter is the exception but, that’s pretty much all I know of.

I've been watching craigslist for several months and have not seen a single 26" listed. I've seen an 18" and a 22" WSM for sale, but no 26" kettles.

The only thing I can see as a drawback at this time is no GBS for the 26", but I suspect it will come in time.

For that matter, I keep watching for that 37" Ranch Kettle also, have never found one in more than 10 years of looking. There was one in TX recently for $600, but logistically too far for me, and most sellers don't want to ship a used Ranch Kettle...:p

Having a Ranch Kettle would be like cooking on a football field...LOL


Hope you're right, Alan, but I have my doubts. I have been asking for this for years but have no confidence that Weber will every tap the ever growing market of 26er owners.

Show me anything in production that is really the same as it was 30 years ago though, it sad but it’s progress.
Oh, maybe a Zippo lighter is the exception but, that’s pretty much all I know of.

That is true to some extent, but I recently got myself a small DC tig welder and learning to weld, now I'm thinking to build my own. As far as grills go, I am attracted to the Santa Maria style.

Smokers and BBQs in general are common projects for hobbyist welders, I hadn't really thought too much about it in the past...but there's some really nice designs.

For me, hands down, Arizona BBQ Grills makes some of the nicest 'ques, I'm very impressed with their work. They just started offering the flywheel/grill kit which looks interesting. Could even work over a brick base. They make some Santa Maria grill and smoker combos...holy moly those are nice combos...and even in stainless...The Kalamazoos are nice also, but I really like what AZ BBQ Grills is doing. He did one in 3/16" thick stainless...what a beauty...

It is true as you point out Tim, there really ain't too much stuff the same today as it was built 30 years ago...but it seems I'll need to build a 'que of my own to get something I really like. Or buy something like an AZ BBQ Grills...maybe a better solution than a Summit Charcoal, IMO. An offset is definitely a better solution than a bullet for smoking. :)
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Well I guess that depends on the off-set and who's using it.:)

Ain’t that the truth!
My band played a gig where there were four offsets running and everything from turkeys to ribs (no briskets) and not one of the guys knew how to carve a turkey! The product was fabulous but seriously hacked to shreds. I turned to one of the guys between sets and told him to let me know when we were going to be five minutes for the next one to come off. I ended the set at the right time and taught him my method of turkey carving. Not difficult, he looked at me goggle eyed and said:
“Now I get the idea, treat it like a fish and fillet it!, how COOL!”
Ran into the guy a year later and he said, “Thanks, I’ve ended up being the bird carver every time I go somewhere!”
It’s not a small boat but we are in that together!
Interesting how I got that far off track in such a short time! Maybe it’s time to get the wings off the kettle!

