Hello from Pleasant Valley,NY


Daniel Mahoney

New member
Just bought a WSM18.5 and am looking to learn more, I spinning form all the information and am going to move slow,I move slow anyway,Dan
Welcome Dan. I would say try a few simple smokes, and next thing you know,
you will be cooking up a storm like a lot of us. There are no rules (except from my Cardiologist:) )
and worst that happens is you have a 'not the best meal'. But even my bad attempts have been
'not that bad', as we tend to be our own worst critics.
Welcome Dan! Ask and ye shall receive - all the information you can hope for! There are wonderful people here full of helpful tips to coax you along! You're gonna love this place!
Welcome to the forum I'm new too, smoked my first brisket today, you can find all the answers you need through here and the website. Enjoy!

