Heavy Duty Premium 304 Stainless Steel Charcoal Baskets $29


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Here's a high quality S/S replacement for Weber kettle charcoal baskets: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B01GF5DG0Y/tvwb-20

More info in this thread: http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?66278-Heavy-Duty-Premium-304-Stainless-Steel-Charcoal-Baskets

Just curious, has anyone had problems with the original weber ones ?
The creator of these baskets, David Somerville, says in his comments, "Around December I bought another set of Weber charcoal baskets after the set I had rusted through in a single grilling season." I'm not a big user of charcoal baskets, so I'm not sure if this is a typical experience or not. It may depend on how often you use them, whether your grill is left out in the rain, whether you live near the seashore or in a humid climate, etc.
Just curious, has anyone had problems with the original weber ones ?


Many folks get several years worth of use out of the original Weber baskets.

If I was more careful I would probably have gotten a longer life from the ones I bought from Weber. However, I live on the Gulf Coast where it is hot and wet. I don't keep a cover on my kettle and will often forget to clean the ashes out of the baskets. Basically, I am a little rough on my equipment so things that aren't sturdy have a short life span at my house.
I have gotten a lot more years out of the baskets than I had expected, mine are over ten years old and not really in bad shape but, those are simply BETTER! Come on, those are real sweethearts. After seeing them, I might donate my old ones to the cottage grill and get a set for home. I may need to rename my grill, "Abe"....
"Mama said"Son, you're gonna drive me to drinkin' fo you don't stop drivin' that Hot ROD Lincoln!"

