HeaterMeter + LinkSys WiFi Router = LinkMeter

I'm not sure if repeater-bridge is what anyone would want. The bridge indicates that the LAN ports are bridged to an existing wireless network. I think you can still do this with OpenWrt and relayd.

If you just want LinkMeter to be a client, that's "station mode" that I defined above.

If you want LinkMeter to be a client but also allow things to connect to it, you can add a second stanza to the wireless config which is an "AP" definition.

You can even enable WDS on the second wireless config if that's your cup of tea.

If you're not connecting to an existing network but want LinkMeter to host a new network, that's AP mode and you'll need to install dnsmasq (DHCP server) as well.

The only thing that's not supported in the drive is transparent bridging of an existing wireless and the Linksys's LAN networks, and that's because the wireless driver doesn't support it any more, not because it has been chosen to not be supported by OpenWrt. You can always use the 2.4 build if you really want this feature.
I know it does nothing if you press it once the OpenWrt code starts running (other than getting you into a failsafe user-mode). The bootloader might do something if it is pressed when the router is first powered up, but I can't say for sure and it might even vary by router version.
How would one go about integrating the LinkMeter stuff with an earlier build?
You maybe should be able to just install the 4 LinkMeter-specific packages (assuming you have the other prerequisites). Avrdude, librrd, rrdtool, and linkmeter. I've never tried it but there is a good possibility it works.

The SD/MMC support appears to be broken
It is compiled into the stock firmware, so it should be at least enabled. I don't have anything to test with so you'll have to let me know what's not working about it. Is the device there? Is it not mounting automatically? Can it be mounted manually? Is there any sort of error message?

Oh that's where the HeaterMeter website is by default if you have a WiShield. I'll remove that to make it less confusing.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">The SD/MMC support appears to be broken
It is compiled into the stock firmware, so it should be at least enabled. I don't have anything to test with so you'll have to let me know what's not working about it. Is the device there? Is it not mounting automatically? Can it be mounted manually? Is there any sort of error message? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have the MMC/SD driver configuration option in LuCI on the Attitude Adjustment image. I can't test it but the option is there.
Mmmm you may want to try the solution from this ticket to see if it works? The patch is already in the linkmeter build I believe

It seems either the wifi driver or the LED driver is taking over one or more of the GPIO pins needed to talk to the SD card.

I have mentioned bringing some pins out from the AVR but I haven't ever thought of using them for through communication to an SPI device. To write to the the SD card you'd have to write your own filesystem and buffer/transfer routines and that is a lot of work and a lot of PROGMEM.

I meant to bring a card adapter home from work to try a quick solder job to see if it worked but I forgot about it. Sorry!

Oh sweet checking my kernel log on my LM I see that the kernel has been killing processes because it was running out of memory. That's not good.
Yeah as I understand it, the TRX is what you'd normally use and the BIN is what you'd use to flash from the original Linksys web interface. I think if you're bricked you have to use a bin too. Does the WRT54GS use the same firmware a WRT54GL does?

I didn't realize the Arduino SD card library was so advanced! I had seen one that just allowed you to write to it like EEPROM a year or so ago and assumed that was as good as it got.
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
Could you look into it and see if it would feasible to add an SD card to the HeaterMeter? I think it would be a huge plus, and maybe you could even store some config data there so that the HM could read a config file when it starts up...that way a config file could be created and edited off line with probe names, mapping, Steinhart-Harts, R values, etc...a guy could have different cards with different configs for instance, one for wireless probes, one for high temp probes, maybe even different PIDs for different barbeques, without having to re-enter all that tedious info...as well as logs of all of your cooks...

I know you only have about 12k of program space left, so that may not be enough to do much...
Ugh I can see where that would be somewhat convenient but making it basically serve files off the SD card to the linksys is not really something I'm interested in writing. The web interface is the "convenient place to store config". The idea is that you configure it via a quick and easy website. You can then save your config to a file on the router or download it or something. To me it also seems like a giant workaround to something that should be working already.

The major issue in switching from HeaterMeter to LinkMeter is that you now open a MASSIVE can of worms dealing with router firmware. Go to DD-WRT's or OpenWrt's forums you'll find hundreds of thousands of posts full of people who can't get something to work even though it does work. There are a tremendous number of variables which makes something like "HeaterMeter's LCD doesn't work" seem trivial.

That said, the SD card thing doesn't work for me either out of the box. I used a microSD card to make it more challenging to solder:

None of the GPIOs toggle at all regardless of if the gpiomask I set in the diag module or the b43 module, or with neither of them loaded. It could be that I've done some bad soldering, so I might remove it because the GPIO pins should toggle regardless. I'm sure there's just something interfering with the GPIO operation but heck if I know what it is. That said, the SD card support is really only going to be used for archival purposes and that's pretty low on the priority list so I'll just put it aside and maybe someone else can figure it out by the time I get there.
Originally posted by John Bostwick:
I was able to download the rcm47xx-squashfs.trx using the tlnet and wget this morning on the GS v.3 and was following as closely as I could. But, i could not get it to connect to the internet going into my main house network or even when I connected to the router directly after I aplied the changes that were on page 8. But after a restart, when I try to connect to the router i get unidentified connection, and I can not access the router again.
If you flashed it with telnet using the "mtd write" command, it resets your configuration as well. Is it possible it is just back to default?

If you want to just upgrade and keep your configuration (but you'll lose all installed packages):
sysupgrade http://xxxxx ; reboot
Woot! Good work Ed. Now the big question is if linkmeter works at all. Does 2.4 support the uci configuration system? Try `uci show system` and see if you get anything back.

I think linkmeter probably won't work off the bat because the dependencies haven't been updated since I integrated it into LuCI. Does LuCI work on Backfire?
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
The real kick in the 'nads is that the old LinkMeter files that were compatible with the dd-WRT firmware are no longer at Git
I'm not sure what you mean by this. All the old files are always in git, that's sort of the point of source control, you can always get the old versions.
There's a new avrdude package up on my website. I finally figured out why the package release was stuck on 1, so if you install it on a standard OpenWrt system you won't get the MD5 errors any more.

I've also made some progress on the SD card support. I can't say for certain if it works yet though so keep your fingers crossed.
My case looks better then my smoker.

Although, not perfect, it still looks good.


Ed, I was able to get everything working again this morning I has a bad connection on my pin 14 on the shift register( the header connector is not great on that pin, I had to bend it a little when i first installed the 164, because it was bending the pin when i tried to snap it in, it came back to haunt me now, lol. Also i had to resolder a few places.

Thanks for the help

I do have a question that is not really explaind, Where do you tie into the 12 volts on the router? I have been using the component with the wires on top, it does not seem to great of a place to get the 12 v
Awww heck yeah! Which LCD did you use that is bigger? I'd like to keep it in mind for future builds.

For 12V I tried to solder onto the back of the barrel jack but couldn't get solder to stick at all, so I just went to the underside of the board and soldered onto where the barrel jack comes through the PCB. It is huge relatively so it is easy to attach to.
Originally posted by Ed Pinnell:
99mm x 24.5mm? That sucker is HUGE! I bet you can see that from inside the house, eh?

I hope so, lol. I was kinda surprised when i recieved it and was that big. I knew if i was goig to use it, there was no way it was fitting in the router case.

Before I hooked it up I used a smaller display. The above pic is the display in the case, kinda dark as its past my bed time. I have to work a 9 hour shift in 6 hours

I have everything in the case, except the router.

and speaking of routers I am going to be cornering the market of WRT54 routers as i made a Ebay boo boo and did not realize i had won auctions because they sent the emails to my old address. I am now the proud owner of about 5 or 6 routers plus the ones i have already have 1 burned up wrt54 and one bricked and one working atm. lol


Not the best job in the world, I might redo it in the near future. but, for now its ok. I have a plexi glass window made for the LCD that I have yet to install
Yeah that display is HUGE! It is 4x the display area (2x the dimension) of the standard display we're all using and only 1mm thicker. The kicker is that that the backlight is rated for 90mA which would require a transistor to drive it from an Arduino pin.

Ed, I'm pretty familiar with the ShiftRegLCD code. It just does a standard digitalWrite in the standard library shiftOut function. I'm unaware of any circuitry that would be clamping it unless maybe other things on the PORT are creating some sort of load that makes it harder/easier to drive?
Thanks Ed.

Yeah, it was planned to use the router case but with me amking everything extra big lol. well you do what you have to do.

I solder my SD card slot to the GS v.3 and I turned it on and I heard what you dont want to hear when you turn something on, a little pop, and a frying sound, lol. My sd card burned up pretty quickly. I somehow got a short between the grd and I think the data.

The router booted fine though even while it was shoring out, so thats good, hehe.

I can get my 4gig to be recognized every time but I can't get it to mount to Jffs2, going to have to get another 2gig.

I have a question about loading up Open-WRT. My network is behind a Netgear router and we have multiple computers that use that router. So it makes it hard to connect the Linksys directly to the modem to use wget and what not.

Is there away to be able to get linksys connected to download the packages needed and still have the Netgear router connected to the modem.

I know how to do it in dd-wrt and repeater-bridging the router but, how can I do it with open-wrt
OK, I have one for ya. I turn off the heatermeter and I turn it back on, I get just one row of boxes on the lcd with no back light.

Then When I touch pin 2 with a finger on the atmega it turns on.

I start to get gibberish on the lcd if i move it. I hit the reset button and it works again. So I know there is a loose connection some where.

But what I dont understand is why would touching the 2 pin on the atmega give it a kickstart. I redid most of the connections on the Atmega and it still has the same problem tried two different atmega's.

I probably have a floating grd somewhere, but, im not sure
to do that, to add a transitor, I would basically hook up like the one on the fan,

Input would be from the atmega, 5 volt from my power supply, output it to the backlight on the display. How would I go about adding the transitor.

Also, my backlight is off atm. its still runnign at home, connected to the router.

I was able to add a 2 gig card to the router without issue. and I up loaded everything to the router and I have a dyndns.org to the heatermeter. But, I am not getting any infor from the serial cable from the heatermeter to the router. I am going to reverse the rx tx lines to see if thats the issue when I get home. I know the grd is ok as its running.

I spent alot of hours yesterday morning getting run. It seems to turn on better when I have it hooked to the 12volt supply. I did still have some gibberish but not as much

