I finally got around to making my button board for the LinkMeter. I had been putting if off because I wanted to use a single 4-way tactile switch instead of 4 individual buttons and the switch I had selected had a strange pin spacing so it wouldn't go on standard 0.1" breadboard.
I used
this 80 cent switch (
datasheet) and a square cap. I wasn't sure what to build it on so I did what anyone else would. Wander around the house looking for something that could hold a button. Oh what's this? An AOL cd?!
I used an awl to punch dimples in the CD where the pins would go and used a 1/16" drill bit to make the holes
Wiring it is extremely easy due to there only being a switch. I just made one hole and stuck 3 resistors though it, connected to VCC then one hole on the other side for the other resistor and brought the power across. 2 wires to bring VCC and the signal back. BAM done and soldered in like 10 minutes. Extremely easy.
I used a step drill bit to make a hole the size of the button, then used a file to square the hole to the exact size of the button. Put some hot glue on the standoffs and stuck it to the linksys panel.
Once the glue was dry, I unscrewed the button board from the standoffs and then widened the hole with the file again so it had room to rock. I didn't do this before I put the button in because otherwise it would make the button hard to center in the cutout while waiting for the glue to set.
I really like this button and having a 4 way switch feels a lot more natural than using the 4 individual buttons to navigate. Even better, it costs less than the 4x tactile buttons from SparkFun.