John Bostwick
TVWBB Wizard
I used to do these for people all the time, but since having a two kids and tons of work around the house, I haven't had the time. I have a HM board that has the modified connections already done. All that is needed is to solder a switch to the board on its own connector. The SMD soldering is actually pretty easy once you give it try. Get aOnce this is nailed down , it would be fantastic if this could be offered as a kit and pre soldered on the store (with appropriate mods to the Heatermeater board also as a option and extra fee )
I just dont' have the equipment or skills (dont' have a steady hand ) to do SMD level soldering

If I start to get more people interested in getting the Adapter Board, then I will try to find some time making them. I have a 3 and 5 year old, once they become efficient at soldering then I can make even more, lol.