Have you heard about The Gas Scale?


Chris Allingham

Staff member


Someone recently posted this product to the TVWB Facebook page. It's a propane gas scale concept that may become a Kickstarter project. It measures tank weight and uses a smartphone app to show remaining fuel, fuel consumption history, and predict how much usage is left. It also detects/alert gas leaks.

Pre-order price is stated as $79 with a full retail price of $119.

So what do you think? Is this something you'd buy?
Nice idea, but for that price your better off buying a second or third tank and keep charged at all times.
Irregardless of the technology, your tank is gonna run out and you'll have to run to the store for a refill.
Having a backup on standby makes more sense to me.
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I have four tanks and only use two at a time and two full ones as spares, one for the Performer gas assist which is on it's second year and still feels full and one for the Genesis 1000 that gets very little use. So I don't have a need for one.
My Blue Ember gasser (about 9 years old now) has a built in "fuel gauge" that probably works on the same principal, but without the smartphone app. Since it requires AC power, I plug it in only when needed. However, I've never found it to be particularly accurate.

Oh, and I wouldn't pay this price for just the scale. I imagine that some manufacturer will "acquire" this technology and incorporate it into their grills.
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If I had a tank in an area that was hard to get to (like in an RV?), this might get my attention. However, for grilling? I don't see the value. As has been mentioned, keep an extra tank or two on hand. Even if you know you're running low, you still want to let it run out and then put in a new cylinder. The spring loaded gauge on my grill is fine for what I need and if I didn't have that, picking it up tells me all I need to know.
Not for me thanks. Just like having a 2nd tank available for when it runs out. That's simple and easy.

