Ham & Swiss Stromboli



TVWBB Olympian
Someone needs to make this for me :)


(and no, wiseguys, this isn't from my favorite site :), I'm posting it to my favorite site)

Thanks for sharing this one Clint, yes I will be doing this one real soon. It will be great when I have the girls over for lunch.
Thanks for sharing this one Clint, yes I will be doing this one real soon. It will be great when I have the girls over for lunch.

Oh great Clint now I have to sit through a house of yakking women for hours just because of a sandwich. Me and my big mouth.:p
Not one for buying (let alone eating) dough from a tube BUT it does look good. And quick. Thanks for the link.
Clint, this group of ladies are great we've been getting together once or twice a month for the last 13years we've been in Prescott. We have fun and we do like our WINE, and Rich only has to put up with it once or twice a year. It's alright he can go play in the train room for a couple of hours, but the girls like it because there are a lot of dog lovers in the group. Anyway I'm looking forward to trying the sandwich.
Clint, this group of ladies are great we've been getting together once or twice a month for the last 13years we've been in Prescott. We have fun and we do like our WINE, and Rich only has to put up with it once or twice a year. It's alright he can go play in the train room for a couple of hours, but the girls like it because there are a lot of dog lovers in the group. Anyway I'm looking forward to trying the sandwich.

Yep, picture 12 60+ ladies all lit up on wine playing bunco and yakin up a storm...Kind a gives ya the shudders doesn't it.:p
I think you're "crusin for a bruisin" Rich. Might give this a try also Clint. The Stromboli that is.
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Ok Clint, he can go for a long hike but fishing not without me!:) We used to go fishing a lot out of Bishop. The lakes up there are awesome besides having great fishing.
In West Lafayette IN, Stromboli after the bars closed was considered to be the food of choice. Ham and Swiss sounds good, just not authentic.

