Halloween Brats


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Evening folks...not much of a cook here really but did get to cook! Made smokey chicken brats and pale ale brats for about 15 brave souls...was fun... Started with Ollie showing off her witch outfit!(such a good girl!)

Brats galore...bit of hickory for flavor!

Brats again!!

Added some peppers and onions!

And that was it...took the kids treating...got in such a hurry we missed a good played shot! They were good you'll have to trust me(sorry)

Happy Halloween!! Hope everyone is safe!

Take care!
Morgan I didn't know you had the GOOD witch of the north living at your house! I hope she got to taste the brats! fun post.
Brats with those grilled peppers and onions really hit the spot. Nice Halloween grillin' Morgan!
Just sent the pic of Ollie to Jo Anne at work, she'll love it!
Funny, I used to get upset at Jo just for putting an orange and black cover on our Lab's collar at Halloween.

I would love one of those brats! Got any left?
Very nice brat cook Morgan!
Great Lookin'Cookin'Morgan!
That's Funny... reminds me one halloween sunday years ago, i was grillin' chicken flappers while the four kids in the neighborhood would ride up the driveway for the candy...
the oldest of the four said something like, "mister, howbout some wings instead?"

that was the last time i cooked while anyone came a calling....

Yeah Morgan, got any left?? ;)
Brats look fantastic. Morgan let me ask a dumb question since I never grilled brats before.... Do they come fully cooked? How do you grill? Or is it the same as hot dogs?
Those brats are fantastic!

Witch Dogs must be an Alaska thing. Here's a shot from our friend in Anchorage yesterday.

Thanks for all the great response...sorry no leftovers!!! They got gobbled up fast!

Jon...I guess it's an Alaska thing! My wife had taken to dressing up the pooch lately for some reason! I think she is spoiling her cause we lost our other lab this past summer and was hard on both of us! We have a new lab pup coming around December 1st !!

Tony...I am not an expert on brats, you can get them either fully cooked or fresh...I normally get cooked ones from Costco although the fresh Are way better! Cooking techniques vary..direct, in direct, smoked, boiled...simmered in beer..I like mine smoked on the WSM but indirect in medium heat and some smoke works well for me! I try not to do them direct at all!

Take care!
The brats look fantastic, Morgan! I like to cook mine indirect as well.

Love the scary witch.:)

