Hail & Snow at sea level - kalifornia



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Watch out you East Coaster, this puppy is blowing through kalifornia right now. I'm 5' above sea level and WYSIWYG



Some videos


And yes, I'm cooking in it

At a boy Chuck! I'm near grass valley and we got hammered with hail too. I was a wuss and moved the pork chops that were going to go on the 26 into the oven :)
I'll bet you got hammered there in GV, what is that 4K elevation? I love GV, my favorite lake is there (Bullards Bar) I used to go there before there was a marina or gas on the water, sometime we we be the only boat on the lake July 4th weekend
of course you are - had to finish the meal, right?!
Just started when the weather moved in. It's moved out now, but it was fun to see hail & snow at my elevation. I can't wait to see Mt. Diablo tomorrow

Chicken is 140 IT as I write
I'll bet you got hammered there in GV, what is that 4K elevation? I love GV, my favorite lake is there (Bullards Bar) I used to go there before there was a marina or gas on the water, sometime we we be the only boat on the lake July 4th weekend

About 3000 foot in GV. I'm on the Yuba River so closer to 1200'. Bullards bar is a Great Lake and about the only one with a little bit of water on it last summer. Since Folsom was a puddle last year every boat in sac was on Bullards last 4th of July. Little secret...lake Englebright which is fed by Bullards Bar stays full year round regardless of drought. Very few people other than locals know about it and hardly any boats. Little lower in elevation so more oaks than pines but it's seven miles long from the marina to south fork of the yube river.
ChuckO, we are suppose to get big snows tonight & tomorrow. The snow we got today was real wet & heavy.
glad that you got some moisture out that way.
Here's @ 4500' last night:


and 2 from around 10,500' yesterday & today (sage hen the center tree in the stormier pic)

Good to see the rains (and snows) have returned out west. Wonder if any of it will impact Lake Mead Water levels?

