Grilled okra


Chris in Louisiana

TVWBB All-Star
I've eaten okra fried, boiled, pickled, steamed, and stewed (with tomatoes and onions), but I never thought about grilling it.

We had a fresh batch and forgot to cook it up as the roasted chicken was getting done. My wife said a coworker grilled okra.

Gave it a try. Tossed with olive oil and S&P. Grilled on the gasser. Just flipped it around a few times.

Turned out great. Had the taste of fried okra, but probably not as bad for you.

I'll definitely do this again. It tastes a lot better than it looks in this pic.

I did the Thomas Keller high-heat roasted chicken on a broiler pan in the convection oven, with potatoes, sweet potatoes (awesome) and onions (all tossed in olive oil and S&P) in the bottom to cook in the drippings. Made gravy with the drippings. Wings (my favorite part) on the plate.

I was raised on fried okra, about the only way I like it, but will give this a try for sure.
Mom just sliced it, dusted it with seasoned flour, then fried it (most likely in bacon grease)
Hmmmm, will have to try that. Whole foods sells some sort of baked okra that is really nice and crispy and salty. If it is anything like that I will turn into a piece of okra as it is a great snack bite......................d
Hmmmm, will have to try that. Whole foods sells some sort of baked okra that is really nice and crispy and salty. If it is anything like that I will turn into a piece of okra as it is a great snack bite......................d

Yeah, those freeze dried/baked okra snacks are good.
I've had it every way but grilled. Was just looking at it in the store but never considered grilling.

