grilled flappers


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
chicken drummies & flappers in this thing


two outside the basket were marinated in some severe hot sauce, only did two for a test.


this basket doesn't work too well, since the handle does not detach....


...and flare ups are quite major....


and the flaps get charred well before the bird parts are cooked...


butt, i controlled the heat and the flames by removing the chicken before it's death.


sauced them to cool them off a bit...


then back on the grill out of the stinkin' basket.


...with a couple of nopales... added a few halved Yukons and served it all up



the flaps were GREAT! charred only a bit, Pappy's "Holly's Hot Sauce" is FANTASTIC! THANK YOU BOB!!!
not sure what to do with the basket, i may cut the handle off & rig it so it can be used without a perm handle...
Thank you for stoppin' by, SoLong!
The flappers, nopales, and taters look fantastic, Jim! Bummer that the basket didn't work out as planned.:(
thanks you guys:)
mike, i bought it at home depot.
i'll use it.
if not for grilling, works well with sliced fruit in it for birds ;)
i have always shied away from that non stick stuff. just can't see it lasting long. thinking about the weber one that is supposed to be ss ?
oh, yea, the chicken looks great !
Oh Jim that looked great...I think I have that same grill basket...been hanging in the garage for years collecting dust...looks like you overcame and conquered!! Great work!
You should try a rotisserie basket or better yet a ribolater next time!!;) Great save on those wings, they still look great!
I have that same basket Jim that I also bought at home depot, specifically for fish. It didnt work well for fish either. It cooked it but no grill marks and no good color.

Good save on the wings!
thanks everyone :)
george, it is non-stick... the only problem i have with it is the lid of the kettle can not be closed.
the dang thing cleaned up well after dinner... i see a modification in it's future...
Nothing like a few wrinkles to keep a man on his toes. Looks like you we're successful in rising to the occasion. I agree cut that handle off and figure another way to flip'em.
Jim, whatever mod you come up with I'm sure it will become the envy of the forum. Great wings and like a bit char on them as well.

