Grilled Candied Bacon Roses


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I should just stop thinking that I've seen it all...because I have not.

Grilled candied bacon roses from Kingsford:


Sorry, but my wife likes her Valentine's Day roses yellow, not bacon. :)
The way I'm reading that, one package(of three) is used to make the bacon salt.

But it says, crumble up/fry two packages, then take one package worth out of that for the salt then mix the two crumbled up cooked bacon packages into the chocolate. How can there still be two cooked when one was taken out for the salt?

Guess you can never have too much bacon no matter how its read :)
For the Bacon Salt:
–1.5 tablespoons grey sea salt or whatever sea salt you prefer
-1 package bacon

change that to one slice of bacon and you should be good to go.
1 package of bacon to 1.5 TBS salt is a bit much I think, even for Homer Simpson.


