Grill Out Handle Mod



TVWBB Wizard
Here is an example of the Grill Out Handle Mod (not mine), that was recently referred to in another thread.
In this case a wooden dowel was used to replace the OEM light.
I myself have been looking for a stainless-steel option only to come up short at the moment.

The Mod:

Wood Handled Grill Out Mod.png

An OEM example:

Grill Out Light Handle.jpg
Stainless tubing sounds really good, but if not available in that exact size, a wooden dowel like you have that is well sanded and then and coated thoroughly with semi-gloss black paint would look OK in my view.

This is one way to re-use leftover handle light parts! I like that it keeps your knuckles further away from the hot hood, overcoming one of the few shortcomings of the "classic" Genesis grills. I always felt that the switch to the curved handle on the later Silver grills was a welcome improvement for that very reason.
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There is a little “play” in those grill out light brackets, maybe 1/8”, I’d bet one could find something close, or use slightly tapered dowel end pieces and either friction fit or epoxy the ends in?
I am hoping I can stay away from a wood application because of the grease. Although some OEM 1000 handles are wood. I have never had a wood handle, so I am speaking from inexperience.
Well, it would be very important how you coated it. On the classic wood stained handles, they needed to be well coated with spar urethane and after enough time redone. The rotted out, filthy ones are where the owners allowed the spar urethane to dry out and never did anything to recoat. The grease took the opportunity to fill in instead!

I think you could get good results by painting with several coats of semi-gloss paint, but it, too, would have to be renewed over time.
I have been unable to find a source for the proper tubing I need. At this point I am searching the FBMP for any grill that might provide the handle tubing I would need.
I have the original 9057 handle, and that thing gets so hot I really don't want to touch it without gloves on. I can only imagine what a metal tube will be like.
If I bake potatoes at 425F for 45 minutes, then crank it up to High before throwing the steaks on, it gets hot. I printed an insert out of PET-G to replace the 2 'C" batteries with a single 18650 and it gets hot enough to soften the insert. But YMMV, true enough.
Are you saying it gets hot with the light on or without or both.
Both. The typical swap for the OG tungsten lamp in a 9057 is a 3W LED which gets hot enough to potentially cause the vacuum-plating on the reflectors to wrinkle and peel off. I replaced mine with a 1W LED, but less heat also means less light. I think the vacuum plating is going to fail no matter what is done.

If you look at the 9057, the design spaces the handle even further away than the handle that it replaces. Plastic (and wood) are insulators and don't absorb the radiant heat as well as metal will. But who really knows until somebody tries it? Just beware.
I sold my beloved Skyline to a friend who uses the grill fairly regularly. The plastic housing finally cracked in places. I had spare parts and fixed it for him when I was back visiting down in Florida. The housing does take a lot of heat from the grill and can't be expected to last forever. This first handle light was an early solution before LED bulbs made it possible to have a much more compact handle light. I still like them, however!



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I sold my beloved Skyline to a friend who uses the grill fairly regularly. The plastic housing finally cracked in places. I had spare parts and fixed it for him when I was back visiting down in Florida. The housing does take a lot of heat from the grill and can't be expected to last forever. This first handle light was an early solution before LED bulbs made it possible to have a much more compact handle light. I still like them, however!

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That Grill looks fantastic Jon!!
I tried led lights and they were too hot. Now I wonder if they were 3w and not 1w. I now have the OEM bulbs and with AA to C battery spacers there for allowing me to use AA batteries for my light.


