Grill grates

Kind of pricey, should I just buy one and place on top of existing grate or replace whole grate in my performer? I was told buy a guy who cooks in steak comps that they were great. They provide lots of options but those with experience know better on which way to go.
I have it for my performer. I take out the mid section and use it on my Q on occasions. It's great for high fatty foods. Blocks the flare ups.

Imo, it was great when I just started cooking over charcoal. It almost seem idiot proof when cooking. Everything comes out with nice sear marks. Add pellets between the rails for smoke.

Now that I have better air/temp control. I haven't used it at all. Prefer the sear over the flame. More crust, more flavor.

On the other hand, if I had a weber Genesis. I think I would replace the stock grate with grillgrate.
You could always start with a basic set of 2 sections. I bought the small ones and set them on top of the grate in the kettle and or the genesis
and they work very well on both grills. I would recommend them easily.
They are used in steak completions because of the classic appearance of grill marks.
I won a set so I'm not invested.
Have abandoned the use over charcoal , like the overall sear through normal grates .
For my gasser they have been more useful.
Grill Grates have won many steak comps, however not just because they impart nice grill marks. When using GG you reduce the flair ups that comes with high heat and fat on the grill making a steak look and taste wonderful. The best advantage of using GGs is when cooking a steak the juices drip down into the valleys of the grate where they vaporize and that vapor raises back into your meat giving a taste that's the best. If you're on the fence about buying a set of GG "Just Do It". Good luck and good cooking.

Grill Grates have won many steak comps, however not just because they impart nice grill marks. When using GG you reduce the flair ups that comes with high heat and fat on the grill making a steak look and taste wonderful. The best advantage of using GGs is when cooking a steak the juices drip down into the valleys of the grate where they vaporize and that vapor raises back into your meat giving a taste that's the best. If you're on the fence about buying a set of GG "Just Do It". Good luck and good cooking.


Just wondering... the Weber gasser has flavorizer bars that essentially do the same thing. Is the closer proximty vaporizing juice making a big difference? I have a full set of GG on my S330 and so far I still can't say if the GG or SS grates are better in terms of flavors. Obviously the GG prevents flare ups.
I use them when cooking on my genesis, but not on my charcoal. The reason is charcoal temps get higher and you get radiant heating when cooking over the coals. The radiant heat really helps with the sear crust. The GG block the radiant heat. Since there is no radiant heat on a gasser, they vastly improve the quality of cook.
Hi Dennis Y, I too have a full set of GG on my S330. I think the closer proximity of the vaporizing juices to my steak gives the meat a better taste, of course this could be all in my head but the most important aspect of the GG for me is the fact I can put my steak on the GGs, go in the house and take care of my other accompaniment's and never worry about flair ups charring my steak and leaving an off taste on a beautiful choice NY from Costco. The best of course is when the Wife says "Thank you Honey this is wonderful". Good luck and good cooking.

I just bought a set for my PK grill and used them for the first time last night cooking some burgers. I like them so far but don't have much experience with them yet.

Had mine for over a year...made my older Genesis Silver better than ever. Also very good on a charcoal grill to. A little costly, but worth every dime. Hardly any flareup and turn them over to make a flattop.
I have had a set for about 3 years and they get both sides used on my Q's and kettles. Everybody likes the way the grill marks come out, especially on a nice steak. A little pricey, but so far, indestructible and dishwasher safe. I like the way I can use either 1 or 2 or 3 for whatever I am cooking.
Your spot on Glen, making a flattop with GGs will give you that beautiful crust on those burgers that only a flattop can give. You can even do vegetables as long as their not cut to small. Philly steak comes to mind. I think I know what's for dinner tonight.

I got a set for my 22 for Christmas two or three years ago. I use them on my 26 now and love them.

One of the best things is no more asparagus sacrificed to grill gods ! !

i use mine constantly , mostly on the gas grill. chicken, burgers , steak, italian sausage (no flare ups) even hot dogs come out better. great investment.

