Greasy water

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Kevin O.

TVWBB Member
What do you guys typically do with the grease and leftover water left in the water pan after a long cook? I haven't wanted to just dump it in the lawn, much less down the sink. I've been just letting it cool and then dumping into a garbage bag. I was thinking about getting a cheap funnel and pouring it into old milk cartons to throw away, but I'm looking for ideas.

Love to cook with it, love to eat what I've cooked, hate to clean up afterward.

Use sand. Otherwise, the funnel and a milk carton is what I use to use. Another tip is to let the water run down (not dry) during the end of the cook, then you have less to deal with.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Konevik:
[qb] What do you guys typically do with the grease and leftover water left in the water pan after a long cook?[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>See Cleanup, Maintenance & Storage. See #2 under "Cleaning Routine".


I always fill the water pan (brinkman) 2/3 with sand and cover TIGHT with 2 sheets of aluminium foil.
Then i insert it in the WSM and fill it up to close to the top with the hottest tap water i have.(Fill the pan, not the WSM... /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif )

What i get from this is the best of both worlds,
as the water is helpful at the beginning to shoot for a good temperature and keeping the meat moist.
As he cooking goes on, the water evaporates and leaves for a dryer environment for the second half of the cooking time.(can you say "Bark"?)

Usually, when ?the meat is done and the WSM is cool, i can just crumble up the foil and im done.

If thats too much hassle for ya, just dump it over the fence.Your neighbours will be thankful. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Don Marco
Put it in the ground, thats where it came from.

Or and this happened to me two weeks ago. Just put the water/grease pan out in the yard. In the night a neighborhood dog will come and lap it all up.

No kidding I went camping two weeks ago. We had a cajun cooker and a cast iron pot with grease to make chicken wings. We left the pot with grease out over night. I got up in the morning and one of the camp ground dogs was lapping away at that grease. When i tell you that damn dog drank about three and a half quarts of peanut oil I am not kidding.

The only thing that kept me from being mad about losing all that good fry oil is knowing the lesson the owners of that dog learned about keeping that dog on a leash. I'm betting that dog still hunched up with a sore butt some where.
Most of the time, the greasy water ends up sitting in the smoker until the next morning, by which time the grease has cooled and solidified enough that I can skim it off, and throw it in the trash. The water then goes down the sink.
I make a disposal bag by placing a paper grocery bag inside a couple of plastic ones-- the bigger WalMart ones are best (if they have no holes). The ashes go in the bag first, and the pan contents dumped in after. The ashes soak up the liquid nicely, and it can be placed in the trash. Pouring greasy water anywhere out in the yard risks attracting grease ants.
I just pour mine down the garbage disposal in the sink and let in run. Haven't had a problem yet. But then again I am still a newbie.
I have a 5 gal plastic bucket with lid. I drilled some 3/4 inch holes around the rim (just under were the outside of the lid would sit when it is closed) to allow evaporation. Then I do pretty much what Doug discribed. I mix the ash and water together and put the lid on. After 3 days the mix is like thick concrete. I then dump into plastic bag and into trash.
Konevik - I had the same question and am glad you asked. All of the answers posted seem like good ones, except since I am on a septic system I won't pour the waste water down the drain. So, I am going to try the sand and water combo this weekend with some ribs I am doing. I will report back as this is the first time I will be trying sand.
Last week put the entire contents into a large coffee can, taped the lid shut and put it in the trash. it seemed to work fine.
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